Uys, P.M. (2000). Towards the Virtual Class: Key Management Issues in Tertiary Education. Unpublished PhD thesis, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Available online:




Appendix 1

Draft Project Proposal




Combining hypermedia on the World Wide Web (WWW) as a

distance learning medium

with current educational strategies to

 provide education to both overseas and New Zealand students.



Presented to Bob Bubendorfer and Head of the School for Business and Information Systems on 8 September 1995




1.         Terms of reference

2.         Vision

3.         Background

4.         Objectives

5.         Strategies

6.         Resources

7.         Critical success factors

8.         Glossary

9.         Resumč



1.         Terms of reference


This report was compiled by Philip Uys, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Studies, School of Business and Information Systems, Wellington Polytechnic.


The aim of this report is to establishing the initial feasibility of the vision for the Wellington Polytechnic as described here.


This report is a "draft" proposal owing to :


*          the strategic focus of this report,

*          the early stages of conceptualising and

*          the great number of variables and parameters of this project due to

              -its wide scope and

              -the speed of changes in the underlying computer technology.


A more complete investigation (incorporating more role players and lower levels of detail) will be required to establish the feasibility of this project. 


2.         Vision


Combining hypermedia on the World Wide Web (WWW) as a distance learning medium with current educational strategies to provide education to both overseas and New Zealand students.


In conjunction with strategies to draw students physically to Wellington, this strategy will deliver our products to students where they are.  We will be able to offer a unique combination of :


*          hypermedia presentations

*          visits by lecturers to major centres/pockets of our hypermedia-students in overseas countries and to other centres in New Zealand on a periodical basis in order to :

            -           conduct student group work

            -           present key lectures and

            -           address learning problems.


*          attendance of students invited to attend annual/semester workshops locally at the Wellington Polytechnic.


The hypermedia presentations will clearly define the NZQA units on the framework that can be achieved within our courses and we will thus be able (where we have been accredited) to offer national qualifications to foreign students.


3.         Background


At a workshop on hypermedia, by Prof. Suave Lobodzinski (of California State University and currently a Fulbright Visiting Scholar at the University of Auckland) at this Polytechnic, and sponsored by our Research Development Fund, he stated that universities in the US are turning to hypermedia in an attempt to attract more students through distance learning.


At the University of Auckland a language called Hyper-G has been very recently developed specifically to solve four major obstacles in using the WWW for distance learning: 

            *          links to information could be "dead" i.e unavailable

            *          no security on the servers

            *          absence of access control

            *          lack of database support which made finding documents

                          very difficult.


Hyper-G was offered free to this Polytechnic and the Computer Studies department has already communicated with Prof. Lobodzinski who will be sending it shortly (we have the correct infrastructure to be able to use it).


The cost of satellite connections and network usage is steadily decreasing. In the US the cost of unlimited access to the Internet via satellite (!) is US$15 per month and a joining fee of around US$500 ! 


In a conversation with Mr Higgins, Director of "The Networking Edge" and the driving force behind the "Wire Wellington" project (to link buildings and later residential properties with a fibre optic network which have the bandwidth needed for video presentations), he stated that the business opportunities via the Internet are a strategic new option to be researched.


Client-server technology, which is becoming a standard in the structure of resource sharing between computers, offer the possibility of sending large files to servers capable of managing it, with access by the students (and their personal computers as "clients") which can have very basic configurations.


Dr Mimi Recker (recently from the US and currently at Victoria University) whom I met at a recent conference and who has ten years of research experience in using information technology in education, is convince that the Internet is going to revolutionise education internationally because it:


*          provides, through hypermedia, a very natural (by combining the media) and truly interactive means of communication


*          is possible to facilitate group interaction among the students and with the lecturer by using groupware (which has only recently become available) in presentations.


 ties in with the opinion of Paul Strassman (previous CEO of Rank Xerox ) who stated that "case studies show that most of the benefits derived from information technology are derived from improvements in intra group communications rather than from acceleration of an individual's work"


*          has an exponential growth in public and business awareness and number of users in most countries in the world, with an estimated number of current users of 40 million people and around 400 WWW servers internationally.



Prof. Robert Spence (Professor of Information Technology at the Imperial College of London), in the keynote address and in a personal discussion at the recent NZCS conference, stated that according to industry experts in the United Kingdom, most of the current hardware limitations would be removed in the following two decades. At the Imperial College they also are looking at using the Internet  for educational purposes (currently interesting work is done in the field of microbiology).


According to Mr Robert Lau from Singapore, the secretary-general of SEACC and speaker at the NZCS Conference, the opportunities in South East Asian countries for New Zealand educational institutions has greater potential than before on account of:


          the high regard for our educational standards

          deregulation and liberalisation sweeping across South East Asia.           


4.         Objectives


4.1       Reach and retain more clients (students) in foreign countries as well                    as in the wider New Zealand in a unique way, to address issues such as:

*          income and cash flow

*          physical space restrictions in Wellington and

*          the growing need of specialised computer labs


4.2       Build a reputation of

                                              technical innovation

                                              quality of products

                                              addressing the client's needs in

                                              an international market.


4.3       Increase the productivity of our staff by adding the concept and application of hypermedia to content and facilities, which already exists.


5.         Strategies


5.1       Receive senior management support for this project


5.2       Forge closer links with institutions, organisations and individuals currently conducting research and already involved in "Education and the Internet" and conducting business over the Internet (business areas currently realising the potential are less than 10!)


5.3       Conduct our own research into this area via

          the above contacts

          the limited number of publications in this area



            in order to determine :


*          feasibility

*          detail requirements

*          detail of resources required.     


5.4       Constructing a project group from within the polytechnic and utilising external parties (where necessary and appropriate). The internal Polytechnic staff who attended the Hypermedia Workshop represented the Departments of Computer Studies, Design, Electrical Engineering, Academic Staff development and Fashion and Food.


5.5       Forge closer links with SEACC for penetration of these markets





6.         Resources


6.2.1    People


            Four categories of people are required on hypermedia projects according to Prof. Lobodzinski, namely


                        *          producer : performing project management duties


                        *          content director : organising and ensuring the quality of the                                             content


                        *          graphics/design artist : ensure quality presentations


            *          software specialist : expertise in hypermedia and the related software,

            hardware and networks            .


            This project brings together, I believe, the following disciplines:


*          education (including psychology and sociology in education)

*          multi-media

*          networks

*          client-server architecture

*          systems development

*          graphical design.


6.2.2        Hardware


*          Multi-media computers: additional required at work and in         some cases at home

*          Good network links      : fibre optic to be considered and satellite connections in the long run; we already have satellite connections via WWW


6.2.3        Software


                        *          A language like hyper-G           :           will be obtained without expenses

                        *          A type of UNIX                       :           we have Lynux in Computer                                                                                          Studies

·                    Multi-media authoring package : which we have in Computer                                                                                         Studies and Design


6.2.4        Procedures


                        *          forming a project group and establishing procedures


6.2.5        Finances


            *          evolutionary allocation of resources as project develops since we will be            breaking large areas of new ground in conjunction with other institutions



7.         Critical success factors


7.1       Top management support

7.2       Ensuring confidentiality of the project

7.3       Speed of implementation (since global on-line commerce is now perceived  in a ore serious light by more businesses internationally)

7.4       Controlling access on the WWW to our educational materials

7.5       Bridging the gap of ESL to penetrate the Asian market

7.6       Working with SEACC in making the Internet more acceptable in a large number of Asian countries by providing solutions to their concerns such as (barriers are freedom of speech, pornography, terrorist activities)

7.7       Linking to the "Wire Wellington" project in the near future (at a                          cost of about $10 000 per building) 

7.8       Basing our material on the NZQA Framework

7.9       Making resources available (people, finances, procedures)

7.10     Thorough planning and management of the project


8.         Glossary


Bandwidth        :            the amount of characters possible to send over a           network

Client-server    :           where the processing of a client-computer can be performed on another computer, the server, which has a bigger capacity


Hypermedia     :            multi-media over a wide area network like the Internet

Multimedia       :            digital media which combines sound, text,                                                          pictures, data, video and navigational elements

SEACC           :            South East Asian Computer Confederation

World Wide Web :       the graphical user interface to the Internet         


9.         Resumč : September 1995


Appendix 2

HYDI Presentation












Appendix 3

Project HYDI: Progress Report 1


                                                                Project HYDI




Progress report 1


            Presented to Bob Bubendorfer on 20 September 1995


            Copies : (the author’s head of school, the author’s head of department)




1.         Terms of reference

2.         Name of proposed project/venture

3.         Personal involvement

4.         Progress since 8 September 1995

5.         Draft action plan :

            5.1       Short term

            5.2       Medium term

            5.3       Longer term A

            5.4       Longer term B

1.         Terms of reference


This report was compiled by Philip Uys, Senior Lecturer, Department of Computer Studies, School of Business and Information Systems, Wellington Polytechnic.


The aim of this report is to report on the progress of project HYDI.


2.         Name of proposed project/venture


The project will be nick-named "HYDI" from "hypermedia in distance education".


3.         Personal involvement


I have considered your proposal to be the project manager for this project and would like to declare my availability in this capacity.


            I will be happy to discuss changes in my job description and employment conditions with you.


5.       Action plan of possible strategies :


The rough time span for each time period is displayed after each of the three      headings.


The activities are neither in priority nor time order.


5.1     Short term (October to December 1995)


          1.           Conduct a pilot project to determine feasibility of project and to evaluate core participants' skills and ability to work effectively in a project team.


            Proposal: develop a Web home page for the Wellington Polytechnic by November 1995.

            Resources required: 50 person hours (2 weeks) to develop the page, time to obtain the contents and plan the project, time to set up the server, 16MB RAM (approx. $1000), possible additional equipment in CSG.

            Design: based on VUW, CIT and international home pages PLUS links to NZQA, Government, Tourism in NZ, NZ News and possibly to other tertiary institutions' pages etc. (provide good reasons for people to access our page; and measure the access) (CSF)


            2.         Establish a special interest group (SIG) on " Computer technology in education" at the Wellington polytechnic to :

                        - create a pool of internally motivated people

                        - avoid political motivations

                        - obtain innovative ideas

            - establish an openness among academic staff to use computer technology in


3.       Formulate project management philosophy

          4.           Compile the core project team (to ensure availability in 1996 and beyond)

5.                  Finalise changes in the project manager's job description and employment conditions (to ensure readiness in 1996) (CSF)

6.       The Computer Services Group (CSG) to provide applicable                                            infrastructure especially to:

                                    - provide Internet software (various products) and links (CSF)

                                    - provide links from home

          7.           Identify key individuals and share vision with them eg (Bob Bubendorfer, …,……) CSG, ….,….,,…,,…., Nick Zepke etc. 

8.       Play project low-key in terms of general and public awareness (CSF)

9.       Attend conference in Australia on On-line Media and Commerce :

                                    - obtain info

                        - make contacts

10.     Senior management to share vision (CSF)

11.     Establish contact with SEARCC

            12.       Establish contact with visionaries, developers and educationalists in hypermedia in the USA, Canadian and other developed countries (UK, SA etc)

13.     Discuss Asian Market with HYDI Ext Adviser

            14.       Obtain suitable equipment for core project team members (work and home, where applicable) (CSF)


5.2     Medium term (February 1996 to July 1996)


15.     Compile design principles

16.     Compile HTML programming standards

          17.         Develop criteria to select the first qualification and courses to be offered via hypermedia (CSF)

          18.         Identify the first qualification and courses to be offered via hypermedia

          19.         Investigate :

                                    payment methods for courses

                                    security and access to courseware

          20.         Establish educational contacts in the markets to provide local support (whatever is required in this area)             

21.     Establish a marketing strategy (CSF) including:

                        - determine key target markets

                        - determine key target market needs

-         formulate strategies to achieve it     


22.     Determine effective administrative services (CSF):

                                    - registration

                                    - fees

                                    - assessment procedures

                                    - logistics of visits to centra

                                    - logistics of visits to Wellington Polytechnic

23.     Retain the core project team (CSF)

          24.         Determine applicable organisational structures, physical structures and facilities to support this venture (CSF)

25.     Determine effective educational support services for students :

                                    - library facilities

                                    - Learning Support

26.     Link with "Wire Wellington Project"

27.     Extend software and hardware of our Web server (CSF)

28.     Establish feasibility of the project (CSF)

29.     CSG to provide further infrastructure especially Internet software and                              links (CSF)

30.         Play project low-key in terms of general and public awareness (CSF)

                        Conduct second pilot project                                       

            Proposal : develop a CD with the "Web home page" information for the Wellington Polytechnic by July 1996.

            Design : based on VUW, AIT and international CD's PLUS our own innovative ideas


5.3         Longer term A (August 1996 to December 1996)


31.     Implement applicable organisational structures (CSF)

32.     Retain the core project team (CSF)

33.     Give project high profile in terms of general and public awareness (CSF)

34.         Develop first course (CSF)

35.     Make first course available (CSF)


5.4         Longer term B (January 1997 and beyond)


36.     Implement applicable organisational structures (CSF)

37      Make further courses avialable (CSF)

40.     Ensure continual quality assurance and effective management                                (CSF)

Appendix 4



 1. Incoming material goes to Technical Content

 Director, …….:


 He checks whether graphic design is involved, and

 if so sends it to the Art Director.


 He updates Course Information Centre documents

 if that is also appropriate.


 3. …….. sends approved data for entry into

 the Home Page by designated member of HYDI team.

 Printout of URL of the screen goes to Link Person

 to check.


 2. Art Director makes

 any changes needed and

 returns material to …..


 5. Approved material or further alterations are sent

 back to ……. If alterations are required,

 steps 1-5 are repeated. If OK, go to step 7.


 6. The new material is made active in the Home

 Page. Note: Any programming changes are carried

 by the “Web Master”, ……..


 7. If ……. does not receive any new

 material from an area, after a month he will check

 with the Link Person for data. It is important to keep

 the Home Page alive by updating materials regularly.

 This can be done much more quickly than waiting

 for the next print run of brochures or for print

 advertising deadlines.


 4. The Link Person

 checks printout/screen

 data submitted. It is that

 person’s responsibility to

 do any further checking

 required within their

 School or Centre.




We would like to know if this quality process will work for you and your School or other Centre.  We welcome suggestions for making this process work!

It is important that not too many people are submitting material for the Home Page, and that Link People are clearly identified - so please confirm name(s) of Link People to ………….


 Types of Data                                                                      May be submitted to project HYDI by:

 Corrections marked on HYDI printouts;         Directorate;

 New data in hard copy from School, etc;        Head of School or Department or Centre;

 New data on disk from School, etc;                 HOS or HOD’s delegate;

 New data in email file from School, etc;           Authorised Course Info. Centre contact

 Brochure or advertising material that                              person for a School or Centre -

 regularly goes to Course Info. Centre;            (Whoever this is, the person is referred to

 Events/news in Staff Memo, etc;                     below as the Link Person.)



Appendix 5



2 October, 1995


To: Philip Uys, Project manager, HYDI

From: ...................

Confidential report regarding my participation in HYDI Project.


My interest and willingness to participate in this project


Thank you for inviting me to be involved in this exciting project.  Education is one of many business opportunities on the Internet, and, in particular, the World Wide Web.  I am very interested in being part of it.


Appendix 6

The Internet and Education: Possibilities and Challenges

Some examples and issues


Philip Uys

Senior lecturer: New Media

Project Manager: Hypermedia in Distance Education                   


18 July 1997





Educational Areas


Intrinsic qualities of the Internet

Quality learning

Effective teaching

Sound Management

1.  It is a global phenomena


The Net is available in hundreds of countries around the globe

·      both real time and asynchronous  international student interaction is facilitated


·       information sources that may be scattered across the globe can be made available to the students via hyperlinks

·      whatever is produced locally is also available internationally


·      research resources that may be scattered across the globe are available to lecturers 

·      international marketing possibilities of local education


·      vehicle for the internationalisation of education


·      global partnerships are facilitated and necessitated through the ease of entrance to on-line education


2.  Ease of  publishing and maintenance


HTML is a very simple and easy to learn rendering language; various software packages now have facilities to convert documents in other formats into HTML




·      up-to-date material can be accessed since it is easy for lecturers to keep course materials up to date (only one source)


·      cyber students do not only have to be “consumers” of the information, but can be providers / publishers as well.

·      keeping material up-to-date is easy (one source)


·      very few technicalities to learn to start developing on-line course materials


·      levels the playing field between large / great institutes and others that are not- all can participate


·      extremely low cost of publishing compared to paper-based / cd-rom materials

3.  Consistency of interface


With Intranets becoming more popular, the Web browser interface is the same for both internal and external documents; this interface is also consistent across computer platforms (eg MAC / PC)


·      students doing internal / external studies have a consistency of  interface


·      students can use their preferred computer brand / type to access course materials and course related  on-line facilities 

·      lecturers can use the same course materials for on and off-campus students because of the consistency of  interface; this convergence of traditional on-campus educational and traditional distance education is major contribution of the Net


·      lecturers can use their preferred computer brand / type to produce course materials and select course related on-line facilities 

·      lower cost of making information available internally and externally since duplication of information is not necessary; intranet and Internet information can be linked in a seamless way


·      the convergence of traditional on-campus educational and traditional distance education mean that instead of spending on capital projects to increase the number or size of lecturing theatres, on-campus students can access hypermedia courseware in combination with tutorials (whether on-line or face-to-face)


4.  Natural interface


Using sound, movement, colour, text, video in both asynchronous and real time modes, an interface much closer to face-to-face communication than paper-based materials is offered


·      better learning through supporting the narrative with sound, movement, colour, video, and the student therefore using more faculties 

·      can emphasise and present course materials in a more effective way


·      can emphasise and present material on the institution in a more effective way


5.  Seamless access


Web information are linked together  via hyperlinks in a seamless way - transfer is passed from one Web site to another in a way which makes it hardly noticeable     


·      students uses the same interface to access a range of materials


·      other resources around the globe on the Web can be easily accessed instead of just the materials in a local library or through inter-library loans)



·      lecturers uses the same interface to access a range of materials for research and course preparation  purposes


·      other resources around the globe on the Web can be easily linked to and in such a way be incorporated in the course readings / materials 


·      own institute’s learning resources are hugely enlarged and enhanced by what is available on the Net 

6.  Highly interactive


Facilities like pop-up comments, e-mail, on-line forms, message boards, news groups, on-line real time communication  makes this interface very interactive


·      high level of involvement with the course materials through personal questions and responses


·      the social need of students to communicate with other students and the lecturer is provided for in a variety of ways; on-line real time meetings, which includes video conferencing on the Net, create a near “face-to-face” experience


·      support students individually better through personalised feedback


·      accountability and motivation of students can be achieved through periodic on-line real-time meetings or asynchronous communications means 

·      reputation for high quality of student support and feedback


7.Unbound in space/time


On-line information is available every day, around the clock, and around the world (pending network                operation).


·      On-line courses can be done in a truly open and flexible way at the convenience of the student

·      through asynchronous communication facilities like e-mail, message boards and  news groups, lecturers can communicate effectively with students, fellow researchers and others bridging both distance and time barriers  

·      student enrolment can be much larger than with conventional teaching


·      administration, including enrolment, payment of fees etc.  can be performed across distance and time barriers  through asynchronous communication facilities like e-mail, message boards and  news groups


8. Distributed, non-hierarchical


The Web's technical organization is based on a distributed network model


·      independent student learning and learning by discovery is facilitated in a natural way

·      the constructivist learning approach is naturally facilitated: students can construct their own knowledge


·      an on-line course supports a range of navigational paths from totally random navigation to a strict linear approach


·      the lecturer can be more of a facilitator through independent student learning., learning by discovery and the constructivist learning approach


·      a range of navigational paths can be provided / engineered for students


·      ease, effectiveness and low cost of distribution of on-line materials since students access materials themselves; minimum postage and preparation , minimum time of distribution.

9. Is in line with the dawning of the Information Society


Developed countries are moving away from an industrialised society (where physical production technologies strongly influenced the forms of service and way of living) to an information society (where information technology plays a key role in the forms of service and way of living)


·      telelearning will increasingly become a very natural way of learning, just like tele-banking, tele-shopping etc. have become natural ways of performing those activities

·      tele-teaching will increasingly become a very natural way of teaching

·      educational institutes engaging in on-line education (tele-teaching) will gain a positive reputation as participants in  this transformation to an information society  



Appendix 7

Cycle 1: A Selection Of E-Mail Messages


In most cases pseudonyms or position titles replaced personal names to ensure anonymity.


1.         Subject:          e-mail

From:             Graphic Designer.

Date sent:        Thu, 5 Oct 1995 15:39:12 +0200


Subject:          e-mail


I've read everything. I don't believe you do sleep! Very exciting.


Cheers, Graphic Designer.


2.         Subject:          design doc/HYDI

From:             Graphic Designer.

Date sent:        Mon, 9 Oct 1995 18:25:35 +0200


Subject:          design doc/HYDI


Here is the first draft of our design document.


Design Document for Wellington Polytechnic Homepage


 The design guidelines as set down in the signature document for the

Wellington Polytechnic will be followed, for the Would Wide Web homepage.

However, there are certain considerations and constraints when dealing in a

cross platform electronic digital format.



In the signature document the typeface Helvetica is listed as an

alternative for Futura. In the case of a Windows environment Aerial is the

copywrited name of the Helvetica font.  This will be the body copy font.



The two PMS colours; PMS 280  ( Blue) and PMS 320 (Green) will be used for

bullets, highlighting, and window dressing.

Computer terminals use RGB colour. The RGB version of the signature colours

are as follows:


Colour               RGB

Blue        0/0/100%

Green    10%/100%/60%    (out of 255:25/255/153)


Master signature:

The Wellington Polytechnic master signature will be used with adherence to

specifications in terms of minimum area of isolation,  reversal, and misuse

or rearrangement of elements.


Cheers, Graphic Designer.


3.         Subject:                Thursday Meetings

From:                      "Bob" <DIRECTORATE/BOB>

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          DIRECTORATE/PHILIP

Date sent:                 Tue, 10 Oct 1995 08:15:25 +1200

Subject:                Thursday Meetings


Information Sessions on Plans for our WWW Page and our Project "HYDI", electronic media based education.


Two Sessions have been planned


Session 1          Thursday 12 October  at 7.00am, Coffe and eats provided!

 The Project Group plus invited people: PA, BP, TK, JO, AF, GI, BB


Session 2          Thursday 12 October at 8.30am

  The first 15 minutes of the SMG meeting will be set aside for an                                   introduction to "HYDI"

  and the WWW page project.


Please comment and correct any misunderstandings




4.         Subject:                Presentation by Philip Uys

From:                    .....................................

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                ......................

Date sent:                 Tue, 10 Oct 1995 15:07:56 +1200

Subject:                Presentation by Philip Uys

Copies to:                   DIRECTORATE/PHILIP


Philip will be making a presentation on Thursday 12 October, in T23,

at a time to be confirmed, between 12 & 3.00pm. The subject is

"..using hypermedia in distance education".  This will take



Please email me by return asap, your availablility to attend the

presentation, and include what 40 minute/flexible/ options  between

12 & 3pm best suit.


Thank you



5.         Subject:                hypermedia presentation by Philip Uys

From:                     ..................

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To: ........................

Date sent:                 Mon, 16 Oct 1995 15:13:22 +1200

Subject:                hypermedia presentation by Philip Uys

Copies to:                   DIRECTORATE/PHILIP


For those of you who were unable to attend either presentation last

week - Philip will be arranging another session after Labour Weekend

- to be advised.




6.         Subject:          HYDI etc.

Date sent:        Tue, 17 Oct 1995 13:52:37 +1100

To:               Team member B.

From:    (Real Name Unknown)

Subject:          HYDI etc.

Copies to:




Good day from Perth !

Trust that everything is going well.

How's the transfer of files from the Mac going ?

A few things that I've been thinking of :



Greetings to the team !


Philip Uys


7.         Subject:          Meeting on Friday

Date sent:        Wed, 18 Oct 1995 20:42:26 +1000


From:    (Philip uys)

Subject:          Meeting on Friday


Dear Colin


Good meeting you and Helen at the conference in Bunbury.


Thank you very much for your availability to discuss issues of common

interest in the open learning arena and for setting up these meetings.


The following areas are of specific interest to me. Please evaluate and

decide whether we can't use the time more effectively, if you could for

instance point me to an URL or literature that discusses these ISP Rep.ers, so

that we rather concentrate on areas which is not in text format !


Category A : General ISP Rep.ers


* at the leading edge : philosophy, developments and terminology

* infrastructure required in the "Open Learning Unit" at tertiary

insitutions,   both internally and externally within good role model

organisations relating    to :

  - people

  - IT

  - procedures 

* good contacts in open learning :

  - international organisations

  - universities/polytechnics as good AND growing role model organisations

  - specifically polytechnics

  - specifically institutions in NSW, QLD and WA in Australia

* key educational elements to be addressed in open learning

  eg collaborative work, high discovery component, interactivity etc.

* current limitations and hurdles in open learning

* critical success factors in addressing the needs of

  - the part-time market

  - students in other cultures in other countries

* collaboration among tertiary institutions nationally and internationally

* international opportunities

* URL's or literature that is really "spot-on" (!)


Category B : Technical Issues


* preferred media trends eg hypermedia, interactive video etc

* prefered hardware and network trends eg Web, CD-Rom, text etc

* overcoming bandwidth and other technical limitations


Category C : OLA (more in Helen's court)


* nitty gritty issues of managing the screening and selection process of

universities and their courses

* vision for extension and growth strategy

* key factors in OLA's successes and

* what can be learnt from OLA's difficult patches.


This is my wish-list - please address whatever you feel is more important.


Can you please confirm the approximate time of the appointments and

where I should arrive.



Looking forward to your confirmation and meeting with you on Friday.




Philip Uys


8.         Subject:                Re: Important HYDI decisions on the strategic level

From:                      "Bob  " <DIRECTORATE/BOB>

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

Date sent:                 Fri, 3 Nov 1995 09:30:50 +1200

Subject:                Re: Important HYDI decisions on the strategic level



We will be discussing this issue again at next weeks SMG meeting. 

Currently my thinking is that our BEd would benefit most from being

the first HYDI project.  Will keep you informed




> From:          "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

> Organization:  Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

> To:            Bob

> Date:          Tue, 31 Oct 1995 19:06:31 +1200

> Subject:       Important HYDI decisions on the strategic level


> Bob


> We actually have to have another talk soon, but because of the time

> commitments that both of us have, I would like to try and discuss one

> or two things with you by e-mail which is within the strategic

> domain.


> Can you please arrange for the following agenda points on next week's

> SMG meeting to read something like :


> 1. "Formulating the criteria for the selection of the first hypermedia course

>      to be developed in 1996 for distance education"


>   It is essential that this process starts NOW so that the course can

>   be selected later this year or very early next year, because a lot

>   of extra work will go into the first course that can obviously be replicated

>   for other courses. 


> Regards


> Philip Uys

> Senior Lecturer : Computer Studies

> Project Manager : Hypermedia in Distance education


9.         Subject:                WP Home Page

From:                      Team member C.

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          All heads of schools and heads of departments

Date sent:                 Fri, 17 Nov 1995 09:07:34 +1200

Subject:                WP Home Page

Copies to:         


As most of you know, the WP Home Page includes the following



Why study at the School of...?

Why Study at the Dept of...?


New developments/events( School)

New developments/events ( Dept)


Background on us (School)

Background on us (Dept)


Please could each School and Department put together material

suitable for inclusion under the above headings and let me have it as

soon as possible as it needs to be added to the Home Page in time for

the next draft viewing by Schools on Fri 24 November.


(The Home Page goes live on 4 December)



Many thanks for your help and I look forward to hearing from



Team member C.


10.       Subject:                Re: Something for the future ......

From:                      Vice-President

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

Date sent:                 Sun, 19 Nov 1995 12:43:24 +1200

Subject:                Re: Something for the future ......











11.       Subject:           Structure of launch

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                     Bob,Executive Director

Subject:           Structure of launch

Date sent:            Wed, 29 Nov 1995 17:57:06


Bob and Executive Director


Please advise whether you agree on the structure of the launch as

discussed by the HYDI team at our final meeting before the launch: 




 - 12:15

  Background music and people arriving (we will have a nice picture

  / animation of the screen going about the launch)


  Everybody receives a "Launch brochure" as they come in (and can read

  a bit if they  want to before 12:15) 


# 12:15 - 12:25


  Bob welcomes those present and explains

  - the value of having a Homepage on the Internet

  - what is the Internet, and the growth of it


# 12:25 - 12:30

   "someone" (please advise who, since we need to invite that person)

   registers the first official hit on our homepage and makes a very

   short "launch" speech


   The person I was thinking of is Prof. Suave Lobodzinski, a

   FullBright scholar currently at Auckland University, who ran

   the hypermedia workshop (organised and hosted by the Research Committee) in

   August this year.


   At that workshop I got excited about hypermedia and based on that workshop

   I proposed the HYDI project! So in a real way, he was instrumental in getting

   the whole process going.


   Maybe we can combine his visit with a follow-up workshop on

   Tuesday if the Research Committee has any funds left?! (I will

   arrange the visit and workshop if you agree)


#12:30 - 12:45

  I will take our visitors on a 15 minute tour through our Homepage.


#12:45 - 12:50

  Bob thank those present and invite to the light refreshments in the

  Student Common Room


  Also invite staff (who do not have suitable computers in their

  offices) to browse through our Homepage on the two computers in the Library foyer and the

  one computer in the Staff Room on H-floor that will be available for the week


#1:00pm to 1:30pm

  Light refreshments served in the Student Common Room and visitors

  can browse through the Homepage on a few computers that are there


Please comment on the above a soon as it is possible for you




12.       Subject:           Personal invitation

From:                      "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                          #everyone

Date sent:                 Sun, 3 Dec 1995 09:58:36 +1200

Subject:                Personal invitation



                               Have you  entered 12:00 for 12:15


                 TODAY :  Monday 4 December 1995


                                in your diary?





Yes, EVERY Department, Unit and School is represented in the

             Wellington Polytechnic Homepage.


      Light refreshments will be served after the launch


From today, your Department, Unit and / or School will be visible to 50 million

Internet users representing students of all ages, mothers, fathers, academics,

business people, health staff, government officials, etc etc.-   from most of the

developed and developing countries of the world.


The program is as follows :


12:00 - 12:15

You will receive a "Launch Brochure" and enjoy the background music


12:15 - 12:20

You will be welcomed by the Principal, Bob  


12:20 - 12:25

Dr Mimi Recker, lecturer in educational technology at VUW and software

engineer on the original INTERNET project in the 1970's, will address you

on the growth of the Internet, the opportunities for education in using the

Net, and the significance of having a Homepage


12:25 - 12:30

Prof. Suave Lobodzinski, Fullbright scholar from California and currently at

Auckland University will address you (via LIVE video / teleconferencing from

Auckland) on hypermedia in distance education and using the Internet


12:30 - 12:35

Mr Devon Sutcliffe, Chairman of the Council, will register the first official hit on

our Homepage


12:35 - 12:50

Philip Uys, Project Manager:Hypermedia in Distance Education, will

take you on a 15 minute tour through the Homepage and answer

questions from the floor


12:50 - 12:55

Bob   will introduce you to the development team and

direct you to where the light refreshments will be served


The chairperson for the launch of this new INFORMATION service is

Elizabeth Griffiths, our Librarian.


Can you please also invite colleagues who are not as privileged as those of

us who have electronic mail.


After the launch, you will be able to browse through our Homepage (and other

interesting sites) on your OFFICE computer by using Netscape.


There are also two computers in the Library foyer and one computer in

the Staff Room on F-floor which are set up for this purpose (it will be

available for the whole week - compliments of CSG and the Library).


We are looking forward to welcoming you at 12:00 today,Monday,

4 December in LT200.


See you there!


Kind regards

Philip Uys

Senior Lecturer: Computer Studies

Project Manager:Hypermedia in Distance Education


Appendix 8




To :      Bob Bubendorfer


cc         …..

            Operational adviser : HYDI


            External relations adviser : HYDI


            Academic adviser : HYDI        


From :  Philip Uys

            Project manager : HYDI



Date : 15 July 1996




Thank you for your support of the HYDI project and for allowing me to visit educational institutions in the USA as well as to attend the ED-MEDIA and ED-TELECOM conference.


The visits at MIT and California State University at Long Beach proved to be particularly helpful since the people I saw are all  working actively in this field and have solid practical experience.


The conference overall proved to be very valuable with excellent tutorials, good contacts and a large number of good sessions; unfortunately there were also some papers of a low quality and which touched only on the very basics of what we are doing.


The strategic initiative of  the development of hypermedia courseware at Wellington Polytechnic as a way of utilising modern computer technology in education and as a means to increase student numbers, has undoubtably been validated at the conference and the visits.


Attached  please find a report on the visit and a list of the conference sessions attended.


Comprehensive tutorial notes were provided as well as two sizeable volumes that contain the papers presented at the conference (1274 pages). 


With gratitude



Philip Uys



1.         Introduction


Most of the aspects discussed in this report is not the result of a single session, tutorial or visit but rather a thread through a number of presentations, or different aspects in various presentations that together pointed to a specific aspect. The report is therefore structured around these aspects rather than each specific session.


2.         Findings  and recommendations


            2.1       Blend of courses


The resources available for hypermedia courseware development in other institutions (like MIT and  Military Academy) are huge in comparison to what we currently have (due to a number of acceptable and good reasons).


All our resources in the next year or two can easily be tied up in the development of the B.Ed alone which will yield a limited income.


Furthermore the hypermedia course development should reflect the nature of the offerings at Wellington Polytechnic which are both full formal courses as well as shorter courses.




That short courses for niche markets be selected based on thorough market research and that these be developed in parallel to the core formal courses.


            2.2 Hypermedia course development


The institutions who have demonstrated the most advanced usage of hypermedia in education like the UC, have made a firm decision and commitment towards this at a strategic level.


California State University :


n    small group of lecturers have reached a level where they are able to develop computer-based courseware themselves

n    the New Media Lab (part of Academic Computing Services) :

¨    runs short training courses in incorporating multi-media in courses, use of the Web and the Internet for academic staff

¨    assist lecturers on a one-to-one basis in the production of computer-based courseware

¨    produce computer-based courseware for lecturers

            MIT :


n    a large group of lecturers have the ability to develop computer-based courseware themselves

n    the Academic Computing Services unit

¨    they use the Web extensively as a delivery platform

¨    produce computer-based courseware for lecturers - only in exceptional cases




n    in general, after initial familiarisation with multi-media and the Web, a section of academic staff seems to be developing courses themselves for their students - often not in a distance education fashion!

n     training and multi-media / hypermedia support seems to be either from a specific unit or from particular lecturers who have a personal interest and experience with it

n    the Open University (UK) naturally have formalised all the processes for developing computer-based courseware and have different formal departments responsible for the development, marketing and maintenance of courses as well as student support

n    the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has a unit within their academic development department that provides lecturers either with assistance to develop multi-media courseware or that does the development of multi-media courseware for the lecturers. They also act as consultants in this field to lecturers.           


At most institutions (including MIT, California State University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University) a dedicated unit or department is responsible for assisting lecturers in these activities and developing courseware for them.


These units also run short training courses on incorporating multi-media in courses, use of the Web and the Internet for academic staff , act as consultants to academic staff and assist them on a one-to-one basis in the production of computer-based courseware.


One of the key functions of these units is ongoing research in the appropriate application of information technology in education.




The hypermedia project should be placed on a firmer footing from 1997 to achieve the goals of this venture as specified by the Principal. It is felt that the current structure does not provide adequate focus and potential for the achievement of these goals.


A unit could be formed, perhaps to be called “The New Media Unit”, that will be serving all the schools in the Polytechnic and will as such be a general support unit like the Library and the Education Development department.


In 1997 this unit could still consists of  staff that have vertical reporting lines in their current appointed units eg schools.


It’s mission could be : To research and implement appropriate new information technology in appropriate curricula at the Wellington Polytechnic.


Its main activities could be to:

·      research new educational information technologies for feasibility of use in curricula at Wellington Polytechnic

·      develop hypermedia courses

·      train academic staff  in the use of  IT, and specifically hypermedia, in the preparation, delivery and assessment of courses

·      provide consultation on a one-to-one basis

·      maintain the Wellington Polytechnic Homepage. 


This unit will combine and balance the principles of education and of information technology to achieve its goals. Therefore it is felt that such a unit could reside within EDD, on its own (like EDD and the Library) due to its general support function or linked in some or other way with the computer development group (with the Academic Registrar).


Due to the above reasons, it is felt as first preference that the unit should function as an independent general support unit, and as second preference due to the educational basis of the activities, that it could be part of EDD.



            2.3       Database


It is clear from the development of data management in the history of computing, that using a proper database is the most appropriate way to store information.


Some organisations like California State University has an established practice in this regard and use an object-oriented database (ILLUSTRA) for this purpose.


One of the tutorials I attended was on another object-oriented database called HYPER-G (which has now been renamed to HYPERWAVE), which is free to educational institutions but is more risky since it is not a commercial product in the true sense.


Quite a few of the institutions with the most impressive developments in hypermedia courseware development, including the University of Calgary which has a large number of files manage, uses directory structures - like us -  to store files.




That we acquire either ILLUSTRA or HYPER-G in 1997 / 1998 for more appropriate management of the courseware data. We will also have to employ someone with database management skills on the project to fulfil this function.


            2.4       Specific aspects of hypermedia courseware


2.4.1 In Tutorial 3 the use of scripts to make the hypermedia more interactive was explained and demonstrated. The possibility of having an area on the screen where a student can make personal study notes that are kept on their own computers should be         investigated.


2.4.2 In general, pages should be longer so that a student can already start reading the top of the page while it is loading the rest of the page. This approach is faster for the student than having to wait for a larger number of smaller pages that must each be loaded.


2.4.3 In Tutorial 6 the emphasis was placed on having adaptive educational hypermedia which, although complex to achieve, should be a key design goal in hypermedia development at Wellington Polytechnic from 1997 onwards. This means that educational material is presented in a specific and perhaps unique way for each student on the basis of a user model that is created for each student; this is one of the basic advantages of hypermedia learning above the traditional classroom method. A skilled programmer in some or other scripting language eg JAVA or PERL would be required.  


2.4.4 A search tool where students can enter a search word / phrase should be incorporated in each hypermedia course.


2.4.5 As demonstrated by the University of Twente, students can actually develop valuable hypermedia “text books” as part of their course assignments which can be used by future students.


2.4.6 Distance education via hypermedia delivery has been validated as an important delivery medium. In eastern Canada the government of a province and all the tertiary education providers has joined forces to make hypermedia delivery to most homes over high-bandwidth networks a reality.


2.4.7 Huge resources are required to translate a large proportion of courseware into hypermedia for distance education delivery and therefore a number of institutions represented at the conference has entered into collaborative research and development agreements with other institutions. Collaboration with other institutions in New Zealand should be sought eg Victoria University, Auckland University and others. 


2.4.8 The Western Australian telecentre network had a presentation on developments there, which re-emphasised the opportunity we have through them and the UK Telecentres organisation (with whom good contact were made in November in Brisbane) for marketing and support for our courses.   


2.4.9  “Electronic Data Systems” emphasised the importance to have a clear hypermedia development methodology which includes assisting the content providers to formulate clear training goals, training programs and markets. A WELLINGTON POLYTECHNIC hypermedia development manual should be constructed based on knowledge and experience gained so far for use from 1997 onwards (naturally to be altered as required).


2.4.10 Eventually back-end application should be developed to enhance the administration of  hypermedia courses including assessment (an excellent assessment application was demonstrated by the US Air Force Academy and the Indiana and Purdue Universities).


2.4.11 Hypermedia is not specifically related to distance education and can be used to enrich the traditional classroom activities in a variety of ways eg to present material in class, to publish student notes, to publish important notices as well as to publish results (with appropriate anonymity) on an intranet / the Internet. A presentation by the University of Quebec identified five models of hypermedia learning : the enriched classroom, the virtual classroom (what the HYDI project currently focus on), the information base, the teaching media and the communication channel.


2.4.12 The University of Twente illustrated how hypermedia courses can include examples of  previous students’ work as a learning resource for future students. This approach also worked very well at UC; students did not - as expected - copy materials from previous years but rather used it as a base to create their own projects.


2.4.13  The University of New South Wales described a paperless system for the collection, testing and assessment of assignments. This is achievable through hypermedia courses and can be implemented  through the use of the Internet.


2.4.14  Taking cultural differences and preferences into account in the design of courseware was re-emphasised in a paper by the National Chengchi University, Taiwan. They discussed how Taiwanese students would interpret certain codes of communication eg humour, colours etc. Our target markets will have to be well researched to establish any specific cultural preferences.


2.4.15  The use of virtual reality was also dealt with in various sessions. In a panel discussion on this topic, Veronica Pantelides, explained how virtual reality can enhance the learning experience of students because it allows the learner to proceed through an experience at their own pace, it encourages active participation and the lecturer can more accurately illustrate some features, processes etc. than by other means.


2.4.16  Our design philosophy of having all the various learning and communication tools as an integrated set within easy reach to students, has been confirmed by the work being done by the Chung Yuan Christian University and telecommunication Laboratory of Taiwan.


2.4.17  Prof Hiroshi Ishii of MIT demonstrated some of his work on collaborative learning environments which is a future development to take note of. These systems allow users which are physically removed to work together on a “white board” as if they are in the same room.


2.4.18  Prof Mitchel Resnick discussed the creation of intellectual stimulation in children through various practical experiments with objects of computer intelligence. This illustrated “learning by discovery” which the World Wide web can support so powerfully.

Appendix 9

Hypermedia Projects


Progress report to SMG : March 1996


By Philip Uys, Project Manager : Hypermedia in Distance Education


1. Sampler hypermedia course

  completion date : 30 June 1996

  goal : to convince the Internet users and their families that Wellington Polytechnic is the right choice for hypermedia distance education 

  progressing well according to plan

  contains two learning outcomes of  101 (“Introductory course to Adult learning”)

  process :

  cyclic prototype approach ie each content chunk is taken through analysis, design, coding, testing, implementation (hidden)

  testing : local and international students will experiment and feedback

  multi-media students in Computer Studies will do the majority of the technical production (5 groups of 3 or 4 students) as their project

  we will have a four hour, intensive  workshop where all the role-players will participate on Monday

  good news : the first two content chunks are ready for production


2.         Wellington Polytechnic Homepage

  ongoing development

  goal : to promote the Wellington Polytechnic and its programs both nationally and internationally 

  steady hit rate of approximately 300 hits per day

  new info and freshness drastically required! : events, text, ownership, photographs, more e-mail addresses (contact  Content provider  )

  fortnightly statistics is available under Netscape by typing as URL


   and then selecting the .htm file which interests you

   (the date in the name of the file is the last day of the stats

    period eg "96-03-25.htm" contains the stats from 11/3/96 to 25/3/96)

  Netscape 2.0 has been installed by CSG

  256 colours : please let CSG know about your requirement!


3.         Wellington SIG on Educational Hypermedia

  being formed


4.         Wellington Polytechnic represented on speaker panel at the annual         NZEIL Conference (April 1996)

  project manager invited as speaker on “The Internet : how to make it work for you!”.

Appendix 10

Hypermedia Projects


Progress report to SMG : May 1996



Philip Uys, Project Manager : Hypermedia in Distance Education


1.        B.Ed Sampler : first Internet course


¨    completion date : 30 June 1996

¨    progressing well: content of the three “chunks” completed and construction and design now under way (first two “chunks” already in html)

¨    would need additional testing time before deployment

¨    involvement of students not as effective as would have liked

¨    also creating a “virtual campus” which will link to the Homepage; the virtual campus will contain all the services available to “cyber students” (meetings this coming week with all the support departments)

(lecturers are called “cyber guides” in one Internet course!) 

¨    model :

 B.Ed Sampler


Homepage      Virtual campus




 1997 : Other standard courses



 1997 : Niche market short courses




2.         Wellington Polytechnic Homepage

¨    included in the Government’s Blue On-line pages

¨    steady hit rate of around 300 hits per day

¨    still early days; it is a living document!

¨    promotion of our address needed; on brochures etc.

¨    more direct e-mail response facilities have been added

¨    new info and freshness still required : please revise the info under your departments 

¨    proposal: compile a small homepage action group of interested people in your school / each department to take initiative on developing your school’s image on the Internet?

¨    work of students work can add some dynamics to your school’s homepage (approached by student in School of Design)

¨    save on Internet cost : rather access the local mirror image at



3.         Internet developments

¨    more possibilities opening up for animation, video-clips and real time voice communication over the Internet : will be using some of this in the B.Ed sampler.

Appendix 11

Cycle 2: A Selection of E-Mail Messages


In most cases pseudonyms or position titles replaced personal names to ensure anonymity.


1.         Subject:          Re: Launch of the sampler!

From:             "Bob Bubendorfer" <DIRECTORATE/BOB>

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

Date sent:        Wed, 14 Aug 1996 07:27:24 +1200

Subject:          Re: Launch of the sampler!


Hi Philip,

The idea appeals to me, lets do it.



> From:          "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

> To:            Bob

> Date:          Tue, 13 Aug 1996 22:11:42 +1200

> Subject:       Launch of the sampler!


> Bob


> We are working very hard towards finalising and testing the sampler

> to be ready on 31 August.


> I do not propose a glamorous event at all, but I would like to

> suggest that we have a formal launch of the sampler in LT200 in the

> first week of September.


> This could simply consists of myself and Nick / Alison

> demonstrating the sampler and yourself having a word about the

> significance of launching our very first hypermedia course on the

> Internet into the national and international market.


> Maybe we could have a small 'celebration' afterwards with the HYDI

> team, directorate and The Head of Business and Information Systems School attending?

> Regards


> Philip Uys

> Senior Lecturer:Computer Studies

> Project Manager:Hypermedia in Distance education


2.         Subject:          HYDI and the fact that you are leaving next year

From:             "Bob Bubendorfer" <DIRECTORATE/BOB>

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

Date sent:        Mon, 12 Aug 1996 07:30:36 +1200

Subject:          Re: HYDI and the fact that you are leaving next year

Copies to:        nick


I already am.



> From:          "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

> To:            Bob

> Date:          Sun, 11 Aug 1996 12:51:16 +1200

> Subject:       HYDI and the fact that you are leaving next year

> Cc:            nick


> Bob


> As the sponsor and principal support behind HYDI, I am

> concerned about its future when you leave at the end of 1997 and

> believe that we should take an appropriate step from January 1997.


> A future which not only you and I see as important for the

> Wellington Polytechnic, but which Nick Zepke and Alison Viskovich

> strongly shares.


> I had a serious discussion with Nick about this last week and we both

> are convinced that it would provide continuity to this development

> (while not being a permanent structure) if the project can be located

> in 1997 closer to where it *might* reside in future.


> The request is thus to consider the above in the light of two

> factors : yourself leaving next year as well as the importance of

> the HYDI project, and to move the reporting structure of the project

> and the budget to either EDD, or alternatively to myself as project

> manager reporting to someone like Vice-President.


> Since the second alternative is less likely for 1997, the proposal is

> for the HYDI project - as a *project* - to be located within EDD.


> I trust that you will seriously consider this issue - thanks.

> Regards


> Philip Uys

> Senior Lecturer:Computer Studies

> Project Manager:Hypermedia in Distance education


3.         Subject:          Re: Thanks and management

Date sent:        Thu, 6 Jun 1996 13:01:21 +1200 (NZST)

To:               "Philip Uys" <>

From:    (Jennifer Lennon)

Subject:          Re: Thanks and management


Hi Philip.


>, I'm very interested in just HOW you are organised in

>terms of positions and people please?


It was very interesting for me to see the differences too.  All of our personel are only

partime since we earn our bread and butter with various projects such as the MONZ work.  We have:


A Director - me

A Projects manager

A programmer

A graphics programmer


Our conclusion was certainly that we were under financed both with personnel and Hardware and software.



So, best wishes with your project,




>Since our project is still in an experimentation phase, it is being

>run with the principal's development fund and with keen and interested

>people (although some of us have a lesser teaching load this year) !

>We have people in the positions of

>- project manager (myself)

>- educational director

>- content director (rotating from project to project)

>- computer specialist (we need more skills and time in this area)

>- graphic designer (we're seriously short on this aspect at the

>  moment)

>- online media developers (use multi-media students via their

>  projects in this regard but not totally satisfactory).


>How about you?


>Kind regards



>Philip Uys

>Senior Lecturer : Computer Studies

>Project Manager : Hypermedia in Distance Education

>Wellington Polytechnic                  e-mail  :

>Private Bag 756                         voice   : +64 4 801-2794 x8926

>Wellington                              fax     : +64 4 801-2696

>New Zealand                             internet: 



                                                            Jennifer Lennon


                                                            HyperMedia Unit

                                                         University of Auckland

                                                      Ph +64 9 3737-599 x7625


4.         Subject:          RE: Nice to hear from you  :-)

From:    (Jannette Kirkwood)

To:      (Philip Uys)

Organization:     University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, AUS

Date sent:        Fri, 10 May 1996 14:58:31 +1000

Subject:          RE: Nice to hear from you  :-)



Hello Philip



I am putting in the mail to you a document which outlines our flexible

delivery committee.  Hope this helps you.




From: Philip Uys

To: Jannette Kirkwood

Subject: Nice to hear from you  :-)

Date: Friday, 9 February 1996 1:10PM


From: "Philip Uys" <>

Organization: Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To: (Jannette Kirkwood)

Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 13:10:30 +1200

Subject: Nice to hear from you  :-)

X-mailer: Pegasus Mail for Windows (v2.21)

Message-ID: <>




> When you mention 'hypermedia' I am not sure what you include in this

> category.


A very simple definition we use for "hypermedia" = multi-media over a

wide area network (like the Net).


> We have established here a University Flexible Delivery Committee to


> and organise the use of new technologies.


Very interesting!


Part of my vision and responsibilities is to ensure that appropriate

organisational structures are established for the long term continuity of

the project eg the reporting structures, the type of management structures, whether it should  be a separate unit or project teams etc.


>  We are encouraging and supporting

> staff to implement the use of CMC, WWW, IMM and CDROM.  At this stage most

> of the projects are fairly new.


Kind regards

Philip Uys


5.         Subject:          CTAG Committee Meeting

From:             "Nick Zepke" <>

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               CTAG COMMITTEE

Date sent:        Fri, 22 Nov 1996 16:31:25 +1200

Subject:          CTAG Committee Meeting


The CTAG Committee will meet on Monday 25th November at 11am in the

Registry Meeting Room opposite the Library.


1. Apologies

2. Introductions.

3. Terms of Reference

4.Working Style

5.Operating Environments for Teaching in 1997(Document to be tabled)

6.New Media Group Concept (Document to be tabled)

7General Business.


I look forward to meeting with you.


6.         Subject:   Computing Advisory Committee

From:             MIS director

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               …………………….

Date sent:        Thu, 15 Aug 1996 17:02:27 +1200

Subject:          Computing Advisory Committee


Dear CAC Members


I have scheduled the next meeting of the CAC for




     ROOM 7C07


Please mark in your diaries (hopefully this is enough notice !). I

will circulate an agenda closer to the day, but any suggestions for

it would be welcome now (I will be away the week of 26-30 August, so

don't expect anythin then).


The MIS director


7.         Subject:   Re: JAVA Courses       

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               Computer Specialist,lecturer in Computer /Studies

Subject:          Re: JAVA Courses

Copies to:        the Head of Business and Information Systems School

Date sent:        Thu, 22 Feb 1996 11:44:24 +1200


Computer Specialist and Lecturer in Computer Studies


Especially after Monday's seminar, I am hesitant about initial Java

use, although we definitely need to keep a close eye on developments in this

regard - especially when Progress and others let you develop in their 4GL

environment and then just export as Java applets field or html.


8.         Subject: Update on Hypermedia projects    

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               <group>

Subject:          Update on Hypermedia projects

Date sent:        Fri, 23 Feb 1996 17:11:00 +1200




The success of the hypermedia seminar on Monday by prof. Suave Lobodzinski

seems to have created a higher level of interest in the hypermedia projects of the

Wellington Polytechnic (both internally and externally - staff from NZEIL, APNZ,

VUW and the Careers Service also attended)!


I have included you in this special mailing list of Polytech staff who are

interested in the hypermedia ("HYDI" for short) projects at this Polytechnic

because of a personal interest that you have expressed in the past in

educational hypermedia, your role at this Polytech or because of your current

involvement in these projects.


However, if you would not like to receive periodical (planned for

about forthnightly) info on the hypermedia projects at this Polytechnic through this

mailing list, please let me know and I will happily remove your e-mail id

from this special list   :-)


Some news and a request :


At this stage, there are two HYDI projects in action and two other

lower priority projects 


# the Homepage HYDI project :



-  moving from development to on-going operation


-  a lot of design changes and language style re-work for the target

   audience is required to make the homepage more inviting


-  schools and departments will hopefully start to take more ownership



-  averaging around 300 hits per day during the last week (12-18/2)


-  *NEW*

   the weekly stats is available under Netscape by typing as URL


   and then selecting the .htm file which interests you

   (the date in the name of the file is the last day of the stats

    period eg "96-02-18.htm" contains the stats from 12/2/96 to 18/2/96) 


- Team member A will launch a major content refresh cycle next week


- needs :

 * "software specialist" and "creative director" roles currently vacant

 * more interested people to support core team PLEASE


# the B.Ed HYDI project 


- target dates : Sampler by end of first semester 1996


- first full course and appropriate support structures in place for

  delivery in second semester 1996 


- the B.Ed HYDI team has just started and is already working hard

  towards our goals


- needs :

 * software specialist and creative director roles currently vacant

 * more interested people to support core team PLEASE


# possible CD-ROM for the Polytech


- lower priority

- by end of 1996 (if required)

- there might be other ways to learn the CD-Rom technology

  required for the development of the Web courses


# another sampler?


- lower priority

- there might be a possibility for another sampler in the second

  semester eg in Journalism


I would like to invite you, if you are not part of the two core development teams,

whether you would like to assist in some or other way in these projects?


We would be most thankful for additional help in these projects which

are undoubtably at the forefront of the new technological waves in



Looking forward to your reply!


9.         Subject:(Fwd) Hypermedia at the Wellington Polytechnic  

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               directorate/Bob

Subject:          (Fwd) Hypermedia at the Wellington Polytechnic

Copies to:        directorate/the Head of Business and Information Systems School,directorate/HYDI Ext Adviser,directorate/Vice-President,directorate/nick

Date sent:        Tue, 27 Feb 1996 09:06:21 +1200




Suave's message after the seminar - for your information.


( I actually found the conference he mentions through Yahoo at



------- Forwarded Message Follows -------

Date:          Mon, 26 Feb 1996 23:54:33 +1300 (NZDT)

To:            "Philip Uys" <>,

From:          suave lobodzinski <>

Subject:       Hypermedia at the Wellington Polytechnic


Dear Philip,


Thank you very much for inviting me again to the Wellington Polytechnic. I

would like to congratulate you on your very ambitious hypermedia program. As

I mentioned at the seminar, it may be beneficial to the Polytechnic to start

participating in an international conference called Ed Media that is totally

devoted to educational applications of Hypermedia. You'll find the

information about EdMedia and other conferences at


Best Regards

Suave Lobodzinski


10.       Subject:   How you organise yourselves  

From:          Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:   (Colin Latchem)

Subject:       How you organise yourselves

Date:          Mon, 11 Mar 1996 09:29:29 +1200




Very good to hear from you  :-)



I have to start planning the formal structures for the hypermedia

projects at this Polytechnic eg a kind of department, the reporting

lines (internal and external), the different position outlines, base

documents etc. and would not like to re-invent the wheel.


I would appreciate it immensely if you can find the time to pass on

your expertise in this regard by

* the way that you at Curtin has organised yourself for the

  production of distance education courses

* contact info of one or two Universities (anywhere in the world) where you believe

 they are doing it "right" …..



11.       Subject:    Re: Addressing the full HYDI team on Monday

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               "Bob Bubendorfer" <DIRECTORATE/BOB>

Subject:          Re: Addressing the full HYDI team on Monday

Date sent:        Fri, 29 Mar 1996 14:34:32 +1200




> Yes I would like to meet and talk to the HYDI team.


Thanks for your willingness and support.


Your PA said 3:30pm on Monday and that will be just great!


12.       Subject:  THANK YOU

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               Bob

Subject:          THANK YOU

Date sent:        Thu, 5 Sep 1996 12:39:56 +1200




Thank you for the talk yesterday at the launch and sponsoring the

meal afterwards - much appreciated!



Had an hour discussion with MIS director today about on-line

application issues from January 1997 and the future of HYDI in terms

of the homepage maintenance and of the possible future placing of the

"HYDI unit".


13.       Subject:    New Media Unit / Centre / Lab  

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:               nick

Subject:          New Media Unit / Centre / Lab

Date sent:        Thu, 10 Oct 1996 12:11:06 +1200




Regarding a name for the new section / group within EDD, some observations:


The following four models is a basis for the concept of a New Media

group that could be called

New Media Lab (emphasising research and development)  or

New Media Centre (or perhaps Unit) or

New Media Section (which minimises a bit what has to be achieved).   


MIT in Boston has a New Media Lab (called the Media Lab)

which predominantly does research.

MIT also has an Academic Computing group

that seeks to promote and enable technology-based educational

improvement at MIT at

Theses two activities should be addressed in a New Media Unit.


Teaching and Learning Group at Curtin University

wants to create a New Media Group.  This will also involve

their Computing Centre and some of the schools. The purposes of

this group will be teaching innovation, research, product and technological



California State Univ (where Suave is) at

has an

Academic Computing Services Group which offers general academic computing

support at

and within it a New Media Centre that offers a wide range of state-of-the-art

new media services, consulting and equipment for faculty and students.


The Learning Systems group at  Edith Cowan Univ (Oz)

has two groups that constitute their "New Media Unit":

Flexible Learning Production Services and an

Educational Resources Development Centre.


Some other places have an "Educational Technology" unit which does

similar things.


I personally prefer "New Media" since it is not restrictive and yet definitive.


14.       Subject:   Feedback on sampler course (1)  

Date sent:        Thu, 29 Aug 1996 00:13:42 -0400

From:             <no@mail>


Send reply to:    no@mail

Subject:          Feedback on sampler course


Look, Feel and Missing -> Section Five

viewfeel -> Some of the text chunks are a bit of an eye-sore as there is

some much text but generally it was good to use and was help-

ful to my training topic

missinginLCS -> I feel that it needs a few more questions but is generally

alright to use

comperewithprinted -> More interactive (by way of questions)and easy to learn from

as you can consolidate your learning as you go by answering

the questions

Send -> Send


15.       Subject: Feedback on sampler course (2)

Date sent:        Thu, 29 Aug 1996 00:21:35 -0400

From:             <no@mail>


Send reply to:    no@mail

Subject:          Feedback on sampler course


Look, Feel and Missing -> Section Five

viewfeel -> I think that it is a good product however it could do with more graphical

directons, the links could be more pronounced and a touch more space between the choices so mistakes could be minimised missinginLCS -> the oppurtunity to use graphics to help users could be utilised and to make it more interesting


webincorporate -> aspects that could make it more exciting might be use of advertising for course specific requirements ie. stationary, online plytech association? etc

comperewithprinted -> much more interesting and involving to the user, makes you want to use it

Send -> Send


16.       Subject:  Feedback on sampler course (3)

Date sent:        Thu, 29 Aug 1996 00:13:11 -0400

From:             <no@mail>


Send reply to:    no@mail

Subject:          Feedback on sampler course


Look, Feel and Missing -> Section Five

viewfeel -> I did get a bit lost the further I got into it. 

May be more interesting if we had the pictures and their

colours to look at to, but from looking at it now it was

just lots of text, page after page The idea of the discussion page was interesting and no doubt quite helpful to those enrolled


Lots of jumps within jumps etc (hence got lost), but the

information is quite thorough within each jump


missinginLCS -> Why not give some background on the tutors rather than just

their name, address??

comperewithprinted -> obviously much easier to keep up to date

more interactive for off-campus students

Send -> Send


17.       Subject:    Feedback on sampler course (4)

Date sent:        Thu, 22 Aug 1996 22:59:22 -0400

From:             <no@mail>


Send reply to:    no@mail

Subject:          Feedback on sampler course


Feedback on sampler course


Look, Feel and Missing -> Section Five

viewfeel -> There was too much text.  I did not have any/much fun, which is an essential

learning element for me.  I have no doubt that a lot of work has gone into this production.  What I have seen so far is basically very good.

comperewithprinted -> I am not sure that a comparison can be made.  It is a different medium which takes some time getting used too.  I have only just learnt how to read books quickly!

Send -> Send


18.       Subject:  Update for sampler evaluation

Date forwarded:   Wed, 5 Jun 1996 13:02:20 +1200

From:             "Philip Uys" <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               directorate/graphic designer, Computer specialist, directorate/alisonv, directorate/nick,

              directorate/……, directorate/…., nurseadmin/……, directorate/computer specialist,

              Computer Specialist@……, directorate/Team member

Date sent:        Wed, 5 Jun 1996 12:53:16 +1200

Subject:          Update for sampler evaluation




We are entering an exciting phase - soon we will see and

experience the draft sampler and virtual campus!


After our meeting last week, here is an update regarding the

steps we are taking now:


1. The creative director will select the best chunk1 and chunk2 from

    the student work by Wednesday, 5 June and will comment on the

    selected chunk2 - to be communicated to the

    student on Wed eve


2. The students involvement in the sampler project will end on

     Wed evening, 5 June.


3. Chunk3  will be constructed and tested by the graphic designer and

    creative director.


4. On Thu, 6 June the creative director and graphic designer will

    have chunk1, chunk2 and chunk 3 ready as a draft (Philip will

    transfer it to the Web) to be tested individually by each HYDI project member

    ( a draft "evaluation guide" that can assist will be circulated shortly for comments and



    Computer specialist will also have the draft virtual campus ready on Thu, 6 June

   to be evaluated with the sampler.


5. A collaborative evaluation session of the sampler for all HYDI

   project members will be held in 5A20 from 11:30am to 1:00pm

   (it will be great if we all can individually have a look at the sampler before this



BTW : welcome to Graphic designer (HYDI graphic designer) to the e-mail

world<g> who now can be contacted at directorate/graphic designer




Philip Uys

Senior Lecturer:Computer Studies

Project Manager:Hypermedia in Distance education


19.       Subject:  (Fwd) HYDI progress report and design ideas

From:             Computer specialist

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               "MA200, Group Five (HYDI)" <Computer Specialist>, "MA200, Group Four (HYDI)" <Computer Specialist>,

              Others Interested in MA200/HYDI things <Computer Specialist>, "MA200, Group One (HYDI)" <Computer Specialist>,

              "MA200, Group Six (HYDI)" <Computer Specialist>, "MA200, Group Two (HYDI)" <Computer Specialist>

Date sent:        Wed, 15 May 1996 16:19:44 +1200

Subject:          (Fwd) HYDI progress report and design ideas

Send reply to:    Computer specialist


Only one group has given me a Project Plan.  Where are the others





*) At 6:30 our Creative Director is going to come to meet

everyone.  Please be there then.  He will talk a little bit about

what plans he has.



20.       Subject:   Regular meetings/promo ISP Rep.ers.

From:             "Team member  " <Team>

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ


Date sent:        Thu, 21 Nov 1996 12:01:22 +1200

Subject:          Regular meetings/promo ISP Rep.ers.




I think that there would be mutual benefit in having regular meetings

re promotional issues and initiatives as I do believe that the H/Page

is a promotional tool that we increasingly need to use.



If WP is  to undertake effective promotion, it is essential that

there are not too many people trying to reinvent the wheel or develop

different "looks" or "images" for the institution - whether on paper

or electronically. I therefore feel that there is a need for you/your

staff to be aware of what is being done "in the mainstream" and to

fit in with it. The institution must speak with one voice...


Maybe we could meet and discuss the possibilities and alternatives.


Tks,   Team member


21.       Subject:   Re: Our WWW pages ..where to?

> From:           <…>

> To:             Computer

> Date sent:      Fri, 9 Feb 1996 18:01:58 +1200

> Subject:        Our WWW pages ..where to?


> Since our HOD has moved on, I've become the HYDI

> contact here in E & C.S.  Considerable scope exists to revamp/compact

> the Polytech's WWW home page ! Points made to me for passing on

> include...


> * After the initial Dec 4th "planting" (garden style), no weeding or

>     pruning has been done- surely crucial to update staff/courses etc

>     ( Thought => set up in house email/staff newsletter slot for

>       material submission & perhaps train/EMPLOY  someone for this job

>      rather than heaping it on the goodwill of stressed academics!


>  * Current pages ( approx.280 !) are FAR too long winded

>     ... even   staff here  can  NOT *find* their teaching subjects.

>    ( Solution => REORGANISE layout into "magazine" rack choices)


> * Although some 380 hits daily , this only translates to several

>     email enquiries weekly (with Tea) at the Course Info. Centre      

>    ( Improvement => hot link  teaching staff email addresses )


> * Local (on campus) students are now often aware of our Internet

>     presence, but have NO WAY to easily view what we offer. ( Perhaps

>     a WWW accessing PC should be at least set up in the C.I.C.)


> * Although we are seen to be "preaching" the Info. Highway, NO

>   ( on campus) STUDENT WWW ACCESS POLICY is in place. Of course

>   issues such as security/abuse/costing need to be addressed, but

>   currently staff goodwill has to be tapped for even genuine student

>   browsing ( file downloads   etc). Solution => setup an Internet

>   connected PC in the WePSA Computer room, where the supervisor

>   (Lynne) can charge ( say $1 for 10 minutes) as part of normal duties

>   - offers costs recovery,removes onus from Polytech & is supervised!


> I am happy to co-ordinate ideas, personally viewing this technology as

> one of THE most important educational/computer developments

> imaginable!  ( ……. & I have an innovative Internet delivered

> teaching project - unrelated to HYDI - planned later this year as it

> happens).        Lecturer in Elect. Eng)

Appendix 12




18 November 1996



Enabling technology-based educational improvement and innovation for open and flexible learning.






promote technology-based education


train academic staff in the use of technology-based education

¨    DEVELOPMENT:           

develop multi-media, hypermedia and on-line courses and course materials including the  Wellington Polytechnic homepage


on-going research in this area


offering a wide range of state-of-the-art new media services, consulting and equipment for academic staff

Appendix 13

Cycle 3: A Selection of E-Mail Messages


In most cases pseudonyms or position titles replaced personal names to ensure anonymity.


1.         Subject: HYDI - virtual teams

From:                      Alison Viskovic <DIRECTORATE/ALISONV>

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          philip

Date sent:                 Wed, 5 Nov 1997 14:28:34 +1200

Subject:                HYDI - virtual teams

Send reply to:


Dear Philip

I have mentioned to Nick that I was concerned that Virtual Teams did not appear to exist as an approved course, and that this could cause glitches when it came to be ready for students to join on the Net. 


He suggests that one of the questions you should ask in future, when people want a course developed via HYDI, is what its approval status is. If it is just an alternative occurrence of an existing course (as our EDD ones have been) then there is no problem. But if it is a new idea, then it needs to be approved by Academic Board (via the Programme Committee for whatever programme it would attach to) before it can have any SEARS status for enrolments and funding etc.  Possibly an exception could be made for a very small -course+ that was the equivalent of a one-day seminar. 



Alison Viskovic

Educational Development Department


2.         Subject:    CTAG: Next meeting


From:                Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                 "Nick Zepke" <>

Subject:          Re: CTAG: Next meeting

Date:               Mon, 17 Nov 1997 11:48:24


Hi Nick

Below my item for the CTAG agenda - as promised:


   >       1.2. Philip would like to create a group to conceptualise the

   >             further development of distributed on-line education. I

   >             think a  subgroup of CTAG might be suitable for this.


   > 2. If you have any items for a formal agenda, please let me know. I

   > will circulate an agenda towards the end of next week.


   Forum For Enabling Distributed On-line Education


 Mission: To conceptualise and enable the further

            development of distributed on-line education.



   1. Distributed on-line education (D.O.N.E): education (teaching,

      learning, research) done via the Internet or an intranet.

      It deals with education that involves both on-campus students and

      distance students.


   2. Forum: a relatively open discussion group operating in a fairly

      informal way.                         



   1. To create a theoretical framework for distributed on-line

      education both now and for the future

  2. To identify practical issues involved in distributed on-line education and

      propose effective and efficient systems to deal with it



   1. CTAG members who are interested

   2. Invited members proposed: …

   3. Other clearly interested staff members who will commit to

      project teams and probably monthly meetings



   1. Probably monthly work meetings which can be brainstorm-type


   2. Identify specific targets and projects



   1. Formal reports to CTAG

   2. Other reports (as it sees fit)


3.         Subject: [unilearn] Digital Diploma Mills Part 2


Date sent:      Sat, 28 Mar 1998 09:02:15 +1000 (EST)

To:             unilearn@UWS.EDU.AU

From:           Peter.Hanley@JCU.EDU.AU (Peter Hanley)

Subject:        [unilearn] Digital Diploma Mills Part 2

Send reply to:  unilearn@UWS.EDU.AU


With the commoditization of instruction, teachers as labor are drawn into a production process designed for the efficient creation of instructional commodities, and hence become subject to all the pressures that have befallen production workers in other industries undergoing rapid technological transformation from above. In this context faculty have much more in common with the historic plight of other skilled workers than they care to acknowledge. Like these others, their activity is being restructured, via the technology, in order to reduce their autonomy, independence, and control over their work and to place workplace knowledge and control as much as possible into the hands of the administration. As in other industries, the technology is being deployed by management primarily to discipline, deskill, and displace labor.


Once faculty and courses go online, administrators gain much greater direct control over faculty performance and course content than ever before and the potential for administrative scrutiny, supervision, regimentation, discipline and even censorship increase dramatically.  At the same time, the use of the technology entails an inevitable extension of working time and an intensification of work as faculty struggle at all hours of the day and night to stay on top of the technology and respond, via chat rooms, virtual office hours, and e-mail, to both students and administrators to whom they have now become instantly and continuously accessible. The technology also allows for much more careful administrative monitoring of faculty availability, activities, and responsiveness.


Once faculty put their course material online, moreover, the knowledge and course design skill embodied in that material is taken out of their possession, transferred to the machinery and placed in the hands of the administration. The administration is now in a position to hire less skilled, and hence cheaper, workers to deliver the technologically

prepackaged course. It also allows the administration, which claims ownership of this commodity, to peddle the course elsewhere without the original designer's involvement or even knowledge, much less financial interest. The buyers of this packaged commodity, meanwhile, other academic institutions, are able thereby to contract out, and hence outsource, the work of their own employees and thus reduce their reliance upon their

in-house teaching staff.


Most important, once the faculty converts its courses to courseware, their services are in the long run no longer required. They become redundant, and when they leave, their work remains behind. In Kurt Vonnegut's classic novel Player Piano the ace machinist Rudy Hertz is flattered by the automation engineers who tell him his genius will be immortalized.  They buy him a beer. They capture his skills on tape. Then they fire him. Today faculty are falling for the same tired line, that their brilliance will be broadcast online to millions. Perhaps, but without their further participation. Some skeptical faculty insist that what they do cannot possibly be automated, and they are right. But it will be automated anyway, whatever the loss in educational quality. Because education, again, is not what all this is about; it's about making money. In short, the new technology of education, like the automation of other industries, robs faculty of their knowledge and skills, their control over their working lives, the product of their labor, and, ultimately, their means of livelihood.


None of this is speculation. This Fall the UCLA faculty, at administration request, have dutifully or grudgingly (it doesn't really ISP which) placed their course work - ranging from just syllabi and assignments to the entire body of course lectures and notes - at the disposal of their administration, to be used online, without asking who will own it much less how it will eventually be used and with what consequences. At York university, untenured faculty have been required to put their courses on video, CD- ROM or the Internet or lose their job. They have then been hired to teach their own now automated course at a fraction of their former compensation. The New School in New York now routinely hires outside contractors from around the country, mostly unemployed PhDs, to design online courses. The designers are not hired as employees but are simply paid a modest flat fee and are required to surrender to the university all rights to their course. The New School then offers the course without having to employ anyone. And this is just the beginning.


Educom, the academic -corporate consortium, has recently established their Learning Infrastructure Initiative which includes the detailed study of what professors do, breaking the faculty job down in classic Tayloristic fashion into discrete tasks, and determining what parts can be automated or outsourced. Educom believes that course design, lectures, and even evaluation can all be standardized, mechanized, and consigned to outside commercial vendors. "Today you're looking at a highly personal human-mediated environment," Educom Bob Robert Heterich observed.  "The potential to remove the human mediation in some areas and replace it with automation - smart, computer-based, network-based systems – is tremendous. It's gotta happen."


Toward this end, university administrators are coercing or enticing faculty into compliance, placing the greatest pressures on the most vulnerable - untenured and part-time faculty, and entry-level and prospective employees. They are using the academic incentive and promotion structure to reward cooperation and discourage dissent. At the same time they are mounting an intensifying propaganda campaign to portray faculty as incompetent, hide-bound, recalcitrant, inefficient, ineffective, and expensive – in short, in need of improvement or replacement through instructional technologies. Faculty are portrayed above all as obstructionist, as standing in the way of progress and forestalling the panacea of virtual education allegedly demanded by students, their parents, and the public.


The York University faculty had heard it all. Yet still they fought vigorously and ultimately successfully to preserve quality education and protect themselves from administrative assault. During their long strike they countered such administration propaganda with the truth about what was happening to higher education and eventually won the support of students, the media, and the public. Most important, they secured a new contract containing unique and unprecedented provisions which, if effectively enforced, give faculty members direct and unambiguous control over all decisions relating to the automation of instruction, including veto power. According to the contract, all decisions regarding the use of technology as a supplement to classroom instruction or as a means of alternative delivery (including the use of video, CD-ROM's, Internet websites, computer-mediated conferencing, etc.) "shall be consistent with

the pedagogic and academic judgements and principles of the faculty member employee as to the appropriateness of the use of technology in the circumstances." The contract also guarantees that "a faculty member will not be required to convert a course without his or her agreement." Thus, the York faculty will be able to ensure that the new technology, if and when used, will contribute to a genuine enhancement rather than a degradation of the quality of education, while at the same time preserving their positions, their autonomy, and their academic freedom. The battle is far from won, but it is a start.


The second set of implications stemming from the commoditization of instruction involve the transformation of the university into a market for the commodities being produced. Administrative propaganda routinely alludes to an alleged student demand for the new instructional products.


At UCLA officials are betting that their high-tech agenda will be "student driven", as students insist that faculty make fuller use of the web site technology in their courses. To date, however, there has been no such demand on the part of students, no serious study of it, and no evidence for it. Indeed, the few times students have been given a voice, they have rejected the initiatives hands down, especially when they were required to pay for it (the definition of effective demand, i.e. a market). At UCLA, students recommended against the Instructional Enhancement Initiative. At the University of British Columbia, home of the WEB-CT software being used at UCLA, students voted in a referendum four-to-one against a similar initiative, despite a lengthy administration campaign promising them a more secure place in the high tech future. Administrators at both  institutions have tended to dismiss, ignore, or explain away these negative student decisions, but there is a message here: students want the genuine face-to-face education they paid for not a cybercounterfeit. Nevertheless, administrators at both UCLA and UBC decided to proceed with the their agenda anyway, desperate to create a market and secure some return on their investment in the information technology infrastructure.


Thus, they are creating a market by fiat, compelling students (and faculty) to become users and hence consumers of the hardware, software, and content products as a condition of getting an education, whatever their interest or ability to pay. Can all students equally afford this capital-intensive education?


Another key ethical issue relates to the use of student online activities. Few students realize that their computer-based courses are often thinly-veiled field trials for product and market development, that while they are studying their courses, their courses are studying them. In Canada, for example, universities have been given royalty-free licenses of Virtual U software in return for providing data on its use to the vendors. Thus, all online activity including communications between students and professors and among students are monitored, automatically logged and archived by the system for use by the vendor. Students enrolled in courses using Virtual U software are in fact formally designated "experimental subjects."  Because  federal monies were used to develop the software and underwrite the field trials, vendors were compelled to comply with ethical guidelines on the experimental use of human subjects. Thus, all students once enrolled are required to sign forms releasing ownership and control of their online activities to the vendors. The form states "as a student using Virtual U in a course, I give my permission to have the computer-generated usage data, conference transcript data, and virtual artifacts data collected by the Virtual U software. . . used for research, development, and demonstration purposes. "


According to UCLA's Home Education Network Bob John provider Korbara, all of their distance learning courses are likewise monitored and archived for use by company officials. On the UCLA campus, according to Harlan Lebo of the Provost's office, student use of the course websites will be routinely audited and evaluated by the administration. Marvin Goldberg, designer of the UCLA WEB-CT software acknowledges that the system allows for "lurking" and automatic storage and retrieval of all online activities. How this capability will be used and by whom is not altogether clear, especially since websites are typically being constructed by people other than the instructors. What third parties (besides students and faculty in the course) will have access to the student's communications?


Who will own student online contributions? What rights, if any, do students have to privacy and proprietary control of their work? Are they given prior notification as to the ultimate status of their online activities, so that they might be in a position to give, or withhold, their informed consent?

If students are taking courses which are just experiments, and hence of unproven pedagogical value, should students be paying full tuition for them? And if students are being used as guinea pigs in product trials masquerading as courses, should they be paying for these courses or be paid to take them? More to the point, should students be content with a degraded, shadow cybereducation?  In Canada student organizations have begun to confront these issues head on, and there are some signs of similar student concern emerging also in the U.S.


In his classic 1959 study of diploma mills for the American Council on Education, Robert Reid described the typical diploma mill as having the following characteristics: "no classrooms," "faculties are often untrained or nonexistent," and "the officers are unethical self-seekers whose qualifications are no better than their offerings." It is an apt description of the digital diploma mills now in the making. Quality higher education will not disappear entirely, but it will soon become the  exclusive preserve of the privileged, available only to children of the rich and the powerful. For the rest of us a dismal new era of higher education has dawned. In ten years, we will look upon the wired remains of our once great democratic higher education system and wonder how we let it happen. That is, unless we decide now not to let it happen.



(Historian David Noble , co-founder of the National Coalition for

Universities in the Public Interest, teaches at York University. His books

include "The Religion of Technology", "America by Design" and "Forces of

Production". . He is currently writing a book on this subject entitled

Digital Diploma Mills).



* Tuition began to outpace inflation in the early 1980's, at precisely the moment when changes in the patent system enabled the universities to become major vendors of patent licenses. According to data compiled by the National Center for Educational Statistics, between 1976 and 1994 expenditures on research increased 21.7% at public research u universities while expenditure on instruction decreased 9.5%. Faculty salaries, which

had peaked in 1972, fell precipitously during the next decade and have since recovered only half the loss.


** Recent surveys of the instructional use of information technology in higher education clearly indicate that there have been no significant gains in either productivity improvement or pedagogical enhancement. Kenneth C. Green , Director of the Campus Computing Project, which conducts annual surveys of information technology use in higher education, noted that "the campus experience over the past decade reveals that the dollars can be daunting, the return on investment highly uncertain." "We have yet to hear of an instance where the total costs (including all realistically amortized capit al investments and development expenses, plus reasonable estimates for faculty and support staff time) associated with teaching some unit to some group of students actually decline while maintaining the quality of learning," Green wrote. On the ISP of pedagogical effectiveness, Green noted that "the research literature offers, at best, a mixed review of often inconclusive results, at least when searching for traditional measures of statistical significance in learning outcomes."



4.         Subject: US server access

From:             Computer consultant

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:               …..

Date sent:        Mon, 11 Aug 1997 17:24:12 +1200

Subject:          US server access

Copies to:        philip


Hi ISP Rep.


Ages ago you mentioned it was possible for me  to update

scripts on the US server. This would actually be very useful

as I could do my own troubleshooting.

Can you please set up the special  account mentioned below.




Computer consultant

Wellington Polytechnic

New Media Centre


> > > Is there a way to upload scripts to both servers simultaneously?

> > > This is vital to us  for testing.


> Not presently - however if it is urgent that you have scripts setup

> on both machines we can facilitate this for you.  Just let us know

> what your requirements are - if necessary we could setup a special

> account that will just give you access to your cgi-bin directory

> on the US site.


 5.        Subject: Course 204 for HYDI

From:                      Alison Viskovic <DIRECTORATE/ALISONV>

Organization:      Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:                          PHILIP

Date sent:                 Tue, 8 Apr 1997 11:39:55 +1200

Subject:                Course 204 for HYDI


Dear Philip

This is to let you know that I have passed on my illustrations ideas for this course to the Graphic designer. I did ring you first, intending to go through you, but as you were out I talked direct to Graphic designer. I have where possible used existing elements, but did need a few new ones.


Have tried to propose new elements that will be useful again in other areas, ie not unique

to this course. The Graphic designer says he understands what I want and considers it reasonable and workable.


Over the weekend I did rework the file 204Hist, which does not have new links but does now have more subheadings to break up the text, and is a bit longer. Will tomorrow's meeting be soon enough to give it to you on disk? Cheers, Alison Viskovic Educational Development Department


6.         Subject: Clothing and Textile

>Date: Wed, 05 Mar 1997 17:54:35 -0600

>From: ...

>Mime-Version: 1.0

>Subject: Clothing and Textile



>Dear Sir or MComputer consultante,


>Do you know of any distance learning school that offers

>programs in clothing and textile(fashion design)?

>I would like to learn how to design and make clothes of all

>sorts. There are many good schools in Texas but I can't use

>them because their classes are offered during the day while

>I am at work.


>Thank you for your assistance.





7.         Subject: wn2560/2  HYDI student enrol fees

From:             MIS Director

Organization:     Wellington Polytechnic, NZ

To:     ,

Date sent:        Mon, 17 Feb 1997 17:42:42 +1200

Subject:          wn2560/2  HYDI student enrol fees


Philip, …


Vice-President has agreed that international students can

technically be allowed to enrol in this qual and I have made that

change. I have also altered the international tuition fees to $6765

per 1EFTS, the standard amount for quals that are predominantly 'a'

funding category (in the absence of a specific int fee approved by

Council, this is the approach we use).


MIS Director


 8.        Subject: Re: "Paris"

Date sent:        Fri, 22 Aug 1997 14:14:07 +1200 (NZST)

To:               "Philip Uys" <>

From:    (NZCS)

Subject:          Re: "Paris"




We have received your email for the booking of the "Breakfast in Paris".

Sorry it has taken so long to confirm this reservation.


Could you please advise us of where you would like the invoice to be sent

for this.


Kind Regards



>Dear …..


>"Breakfast in Paris"  

>>The purchase order# is:    W55917

>>Table for seven please - one NZCS member.

>>Total: $240 excl GST




>Please confirm reservation - thanks!

>>Kind regards


>Philip Uys

>Senior Lecturer: Educational New Media


New Zealand Computer Society

PO Box 10044

Level 12, Paxus House

73 Boulcott Street



Ph: 04 473 1043

Fax:04 473 1025


9 .        Subject: For Wednesday's HYDI meeting at 8:30am


From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                     @LIST2059.PML,nick

Subject:           For Wednesday's HYDI meeting at 8:30am

Copies to:              davidp

Date sent:            Fri, 26 Sep 1997 12:59:07




We meet again this coming Wednesday, 1 October at 8:30


Trust you all got copies of the article yesterday in the Evening

Post (page 43) on Wellington Polytechnic's distributed on-line

education? Although the "journalistic freedom" again is evident,

overall it looks ok - what do you think?


A few pages prior, there is mention of how Massey students can use

e-mail to communicate with each other; also with having most of their

extra-mural material on paper, it signals that we might be able to

and/or called upon to serve the wider Massey institution with research

and consultancy in their desire to grow the area of on-line education.


Can we please discuss the following  (any other major points? -

e-mail them thru plse):


1. Arranging the joint evaluation meeting of the current courses and

    the on-line campus - please bring your diary along?


2. using a public listserver and hypermail board on the Web for

    national and international discussions on "Distributed On-line

    Education" (do you know of any newsgroup. listservs or hypermail

    boards dealing exclusively or particularly with this topic?)


3. how the HYDI Educational New Media Centre can serve the

    wider, new Massey institute if the merger occurs as expected


    For this discussion, you can have a browse through the updated

    HYDI Web site ( as well as Massey's College

    of Education at

    and Massey's Extramural Open University Study

    and their Extramural On-line Handbook


4. The "Virtual teams" short course


We will also quickly look at

1. status of download zip files

2. database support

3. Meeting with ISP Rep. (technical fundi at WebNZ)


If we can start at 8:30 sharp and come with proposals ready for

action, we'll be finished by 9am!


Please browse through

if you havn't had a good look in the last two weeks? 


See you  :-)


10 .      Subject: Staff memo item please

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                     Vice-President

Subject:           Staff memo item please

Copies to:              …..

Date sent:            Mon, 25 Aug 1997 11:59:06




Can we please announce in the Staff memo that the Polytech's first

commercial on-line courses for student enrolment is on the Web?


Something like?:




"Polytech launches its first commercial on-line courses on the Web!



Our first two commercial on-line courses for student enrolment were

launched on the Web last Monday. These courses are part of the B.Ed

and is initially targeted for enrolment by New Zealand students.


EDD Staff and the HYDI Educational New Media Centre worked (among

other things!) since March to create a highly interactive and

visual learning experience. Message boards, hypermail, on-line

publishing facilities,e-mail and a constructivist learning

approach are key aspects of these hypermedia courses which is

part of our On-line Campus.


Real-time communication facilities over the Net including voice,

video, Relay Chat, shared white boards as well as short courses in

areas like Nursing, Virtual teams, Statistics and Web delivery is in

the pipe line for release later this year. 


Have a look, by taking the link to the Wellington Polytechnic

On-line Campus from our homepage, or go directly locally to


or on the Web to




I am also discussing a press release re the above with the marketing officer which Nick, ……. and I will be involved in.




11 .      Subject: (Fwd) Microsoft/Apple Alliance

From:                 Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                     ……………….

Subject:           (Fwd) Microsoft/Apple Alliance

Date sent:            Thu, 7 Aug 1997 12:12:00

For your info - some interesting news.


Microsoft and Apple Affirm Commitment To Build Next Generation

Software for Macintosh

   * Companies Announce Patent Cross-License Agreement

   * Microsoft Announces Office 98 for Macintosh

   * Apple Announces Internet Explorer To be Bundled with Mac OS.

   * Product Commitment Backed Up With $150M Microsoft Investment in Apple



BOSTON - Aug. 6, 1997 - In a keynote address delivered today at MacWorld

Boston, Apple Computer Inc. director and co-founder Computer specialist Jobs and

Microsoft Corp. chairman and CEO Bill Gates announced a broad product and

technology development agreement between Apple and Microsoft including the


•Microsoft will develop and ship future versions of its popular Microsoft

Office productivity suite, Internet Explorer and other Microsoft tools for

the Mac platform.



Appendix 14


Extracts from the three-year plan 1998 - 2000 of the Educational Development Department




Contents                                       Page

Vision                                              4

Proposals for Action                        6

Earnings                                           6

Programmes                                    7

Delivery                                           8

Resources                                        9

Marketing                                       15

Risk Management                           20




¨    Competition

¨    The Australian universities with their distance capability, are serious competitors and market aggressively, particularly in the Auckland area.


¨    Competitive Advantage

¨    Our HYDI delivery gives us a considerable competitive advantage among people with Internet access.


¨    Internal


¨    The Internet provides a great opportunity for distance delivery of both BEd and MEd programmes.  The Intranet will offer new opportunities for staff development.




While retaining and strengthening its central service functions, EDD will try to get out of central overhead funding as much as possible by increasing its own income by

¨    earning EFTS by offering a portfolio of programmes ranging from a top-of-the-line MEd to the Framework Level 4/5 courses.  Planning for a PhD will begin towards the end of this planning period.

¨    earning external consultancy fees in, particularly, curriculum design for distance delivery on the Internet, assessment methods and capturing a proportion of the public good research dollar.



EDD will over the years 1998-2000 define and develop a number of specialist consultation portfolios.  These will probably include -

¨    contract research - with particular reference to curriculum theory and design

¨    assessment and recognition of prior learning

¨    human relations and communication

¨    distance education via the Internet and Intranets




Two specific development costs associated with the vision

¨    ...

¨    investment in programme/course development via the Internet and Intranet* to achieve national and international distance delivery capability


*     like the Internet using Internet software to service in-house corporate computer networks




To achieve the vision and its strategic objectives requires the polytechnic to make decisions about the following proposed actions.


1.                  About Structure


1.1.            Structurally, EDD needs to remain a central service unit.  The synergies between its teacher education and educational development functions are great.



2.                  About Programmes

2.1.            Bachelor of Education

2.2.            Master of Education

The early part of the triennium will see changes resulting from the Accreditation exercise, the Bachelor of Education Review and the usual changes resulting from new programme glitches.  By the end of 1998 all MEd courses should be available by distance, including the Internet.


3.                  About Delivery

3.1        Distance Delivery

EDD’s three-year growth projections depend on its capacity to deliver programmes at a distance.  It is envisaged that the following two modes will dominate.

(a)               Delivery at Other Sites
The very practical 5100-level courses of the BEd will continue to be delivered in face-to-face mode at other sites.  While co-ordination is done from Wellington for the various consortium partners, we have assumed teaching will be done by local educators who have joined the already established EDD College of Teacher Educators.

(b)               Other distance education will be centred on the Internet although advanced courses will also be readings-based.  It is intended to have all suitable courses in the BEd and MEd available for distance delivery by the beginning of 1999.



3.2.            Teaching Resource Development

(a)               The New Media Centre, established in 1996, will be crucial to the development of a full distance teaching capacity.  Its services must, therefore, continue to be available to EDD.  It would facilitate the development and maintenance of distance courses by providing the technical services needed for distance course development.  A separate strategic plan is under development for the New Media Centre.

3.2        The Teaching Resource Centre is intended to operate as at present.  However, there may be synergies between its work and that of the New Media Centre.  Possible synergies will be explored during 1998 to ascertain whether the functions of the Teaching Resource Centre and the New Media Centre can be combined.




1.    SWOT Analysis (TOWS, actually)



1.2       Opportunities abound.



         Technological Developments: EDD staff have the experience to use distance learning technologies in delivering teacher education programmes. Embryo developments through HYDI give Wellington Polytechnic a substantial advantage also in South East Asia.


1.4       Strengths


         Wellington Polytechnic has extensive experience in teacher education.  Its staff are respected and have the potential to become leaders in the field.



2          The Market


The environmental scan has exposed much marketing information.  In summary:


         higher qualifications are in high demand

         the BEd/MEd catchment area is New Zealand wide

         there is considerable potential to expand offshore via the Internet


The biggest limiting factors are:


         the market is very small and niche

         potential students are dispersed throughout New Zealand


2.1       Market Trends


         The vast majority of students will be part-time; small scale part-time at that.


         Potential students will look for maximum flexibility in starting times and places of learning.


Appendix 15


Extracts from the 1997 Performance Agreement of the HYDI educational consultant who is a Educational Development Department staff member 


Alison R Viskovic


1997  Performance Agreement:



Meet  Position Outline primary objectives, ie:



5. Work with Schools of the Polytechnic to meet their specific lecturer education needs, providing consultation, short courses, seminars etc as requested, within available resources.

In 1997: focus on support for project HYDI related consultation etc



8. Provide consultation / advice on teaching and learning ISP Rep.ers to the academic staff of Wellington Polytechnic, and to external clients of Wellington Polytechnic - as requested, within available resources. In 1997: focus on support for Project HYDI-related consultation.




10. Carry out research related to tertiary teaching and learning:



• Major: Participate in interdepartmental “Project HYDI”, focussed on developing distance delivery using Internet world wide web, CD ROM, etc, commenced late 1995.

Continue  in 1997 - focus on completing Course 6204 and developing 6206 .


Appendix 16

Evaluation Meeting


10 October 1997


·      HYDI Educational New Media Centre team - Computer consultant , Alison Viskovic, Media developer 1, Graphic designer, Media developer 2, Philip Uys 

·      on-line course designers: David Pauleen, Nick Zepke


Product: courseware and facilitation processes


1.         Continue

1.1       good visual design

1.2       various navigational paths

1.3       personal style (“Hi, I’m old Nick”)

1.4       sound content

1.5       based on educational principles / objectives


2.         Start






By When?


clearer instructions on technical aspects; specifically down load





reduce text (more constructivist approach)





less fragmentation of narrative add exercises





closer integration of design and narrative





new media elements: video clips / sound





closer integration of message boards etc. with narrative





less restrictive navigation





Numbering for sequential path





more clarity on navigation plan





more creative navigation eg start in gym





more enticement

2.11.1 clearly list benefits in intro

2.11.2  more info in public area  

Nick, Alison, …….

Nick, Alison, …..








Development and other processes


3.         Continue

3.1       accuracy of on-line media development

3.2       open to ideas

3.3       labelling of files as separate

3.4       management of project

3.5       enthusiasm / “happy to be part of” feeling

3.6       provides interesting “research projects”

3.7       critiquing everything all the time

3.8       experimentation / research approach


4.         Start






By When?


properly synchronising updates of files





increase QA (testing): content, educational processes, graphic design, on-line media development, technical aspects

4.2.1   Moderators involved




increase QA on ext links





increase critiquing





database support





clearer conventions on content provision





quick way of finding and identifying graphics





tracing accesses and down loads





develop house style guide - including other guidelines





proper training of on-line facilitator





early and clear explanation and negotiation of the facilitator’s role and responsibilities





notice of new postings on message boards





inter-disciplinary qualifications in distributed on-line education

4.13.1 smaller, modular development




more creative and effective promotional strategies : both courses and the HYDI Educational New Media Centre





Appendix 17

Discussion with Business Analyst

DSS Project : Interview with Philip Uys, Education New Media, Distance Education

21 September 1998, 2pm


Online Courses

Putting courses online is treated as a research project and is labeled with the acronym HYDI.  Philip faces many issues with respect to this project.  The most pressing are a lack of technical skills (or support) especially in the area of database/web integration, and motivating lecturers to put their courses online.


The culture at WNP tries to encourage lecturers to get their own courses online after some initial assistance and guidance is given.  Due to the complexities of the task, many lecturers will not bother to follow through, preferring their traditional teaching methods.  They lack the skills and support needed to make this a success.


There is a very real financial and time cost incurred to convert course material for online delivery.  It has not been properly established whether this is more or less in relation to setting up a course for classroom or lecture room delivery, but is assumed to be comparable.  The perceived benefits of the online approach are in the future savings, and the individualisation of the teaching style to individual students, allowing different methods and pace to be applied.  It is believed that online courses can be delivered to a much larger base of students, and at the same time the learning can become more one-to-one.  This approach also requires more complex support structures to be in place to support the students with their learning as access to the lecturers will become more limited.  Presently, there is not sufficient competitive demand to drive this at a faster pace.  Currently, there are three online courses offered at WNP, plus a sample course for general viewing.


For the online courses that do exist, there is a lack of technical support for the students doing these courses.  Students have to “hunt around” for someone with the skills and time to assist them if the run into problems.  This is much easier for students on campus, but must be very difficult and frustrating for remote students.  It was suggested that a Help Desk facility should be established to support these students.


Teaching New Media

Major problems exist getting the internal labs working.  In this area new products are being tested and need to be integrated into the broader campus IT infrastructure.  This area is disconnected from the mainstream IS function so support is difficult to obtain requiring the unit to gain its own skills and independence.  The danger here is overlapping duplication of skills, skill shortages and divergence from established standards.  This can result in learning environments being established for students which are not properly architected or supported.


If online learning and teaching is to become more mainstream than further investment in computer labs will be necessary (and less lecture rooms).  A better support infrastructure will need to be developed to assist with this area as it develops.

Appendix 18


First Draft Guidelines and Regulations for On-line Education


9 October 1997


Rough draft


This document provides principles and guidelines concerning on-line educational (teaching and learning) materials on both the intranet and the Internet.


It deals with the responsibilities of

·      academic staff

·      the HYDI Educational New Media Centre





1.         A clear distinction is made between:


1.1       Putting teaching and learning accessories on-line on the intranet eg class notes, examples, results, announcements


1.2       Distributed on-line education (teaching and learning) on the intranet or Internet: as a supplement to classroom education or as a dedicated on-line course


2.         The approach is one of support, service and opportunity within a framework of training, guidelines and necessary regulations.


A.        Guidelines relating to aspects 1.1 and 1.2


·                    HYDI is available to provide informal or formal consulting and training

·                    HYDI is responsible to spearhead and coordinate the use of new media in education at Wellington Polytechnic to enable technology-based educational improvement and innovation for open and flexible learning

·                    the general guidelines on how to publish on-line in paper and digital format should be consulted by academic staff

·                    on-line education is to be incorporated in the Introductory Teaching and Learning course (101) for new academic staff , as well as in 102 : Learning and Teaching

·                    a new core course on the 100 level in the Diploma for Tertiary Education dealing with On-line Education needs to be developed and introduced



B.        Putting teaching and learning accessories on-line on the intranet (1.1)


·                    learning accessories are materials like static class notes, examples, results, announcements 

·                    academic staff use contents, formats and processes as per personal preference within the wider guidelines and regulations of the institution and department

·                    ..

·                    ......





C.        Guidelines relating to distributed on-line education (teaching and learning) on the intranet or Internet (1.2)


·                    distributed on-line education include

Ţ  supplements to classroom education: case studies, links to Web sites, ...


Ţ  complete on-line courses

·                    these materials needs to be prepared, developed and placed on-line in conjunction with HYDI

·                    academic staff need to negotiate time-frames, educational processes and templates with HYDI

·                    HYDI provide the specific graphic design directives formats which include preferences of the content provider

·                    HYDI assists in the creation of graphical elements; this could be advice and training or the actual construction of these elements

·                    HYDI is responsible to place these items on-line (on the intranet and Internet)


·                    ......


D.        Regulations


·                    all teaching and learning materials relating to Wellington Polytechnic courses will reside on the official Polytechnic Web site or intranet

·                    ....

Appendix 19


PART A                                    P O S I T I O N  O U T L I N E                                     1997




Position Title: Senior Lecturer: Educational New Media                                                         


Department: Education Development Department                                                                   


Position Summary:

Is responsible to spearhead and coordinate the use of new media in education at Wellington Polytechnic to enable technology-based educational improvement and innovation for open and flexible learning by directing the activities of the HYDI Educational New Media Centre.


Person Specification:




Responsible to:

Head of Education Development Department


Responsible for:

Approved Members of New Media project teams (including the Hypermedia in Distance Education Programme Team) whilst they are working on these programmes/projects.






Within Wellington Polytechnic: (other than immediate colleagues):


EDD staff

“Computers in Teaching Group” members

CSG staff

Other staff whose activities relate to New Media programmes/projects.


Outside Wellington Polytechnic:


Authorities in the area of New Media including directors of Hypermedia and New Media units both in New Zealand and overseas.




1.    Research and develop the use of new media in teaching and learning at Wellington              Polytechnic.

This includes:

·      promotion: promote technology-based education both internally and externally

·      liaison: liaise with known authorities in these areas

·      planning: plan to introduce New Media projects

·      training: train academic staff in the use of technology-based education

·      development: develop multi-media, hypermedia and on-line courses                                                    and course materials including the Wellington Polytechnic homepage

·      research: on-going research in this area

·      support: offering a wide range of state-of-the-art new media services, consulting and    equipment for academic staff


2.    Managing the development of hypermedia on-line courses (the project is titled “HYDI”).

            This includes activities which are generic for all new media projects:

ŕ      obtain the Head of EDD’s agreement for specified outcomes

ŕ      negotiate and establish project time frames

ŕ       develop annual goals and objectives for Hypermedia in Distance Education

ŕ      negotiate approval for participation in Hypermedia in Distance Education by appropriate Wellington Polytechnic staff

ŕ       identify the work required and assign tasks to appropriate personnel

ŕ      coordinate the activities of the project team

ŕ      negotiate the purchase of equipment needs

ŕ      ensure that the project costs remain within budget

ŕ      accept responsibility for all equipment purchased

ŕ      ensure that time frames are met

ŕ      undertake appropriate publicity within Wellington Polytechnic as well as arranging external advertising and marketing 

ŕ      behave appropriately in the external environment to ensure that Wellington Polytechnic maintains its competitive advantage within this field

ŕ      ensure that all Wellington Polytechnic and Department rules, procedures and policies are complied with

ŕ      prepare an Annual Report on Hypermedia in Distance Education.


The Project Manager for Hypermedia in Distance Education is the link between those involved in this programme and the Senior Management of Wellington Polytechnic. He/she accepts responsibility for all administrative ISP Rep.ers relating to these activities and ensures that the interests of Wellington Polytechnic in general are always protected. The Project Manager will attend regular meetings with the Head of EDD to facilitate processes.


3.   Assist the Head of EDD with administration including the preparation of data for the annual report and business plan, on-going budgetary controls and marketing of relevant programmes and courses.

Appendix 20


Media Release                                                          4 September 1997

Wellington Polytechnic Offers Degree Courses On-line


Wellington Polytechnic has enrolled its first students on courses over the Internet which are part of the polytechnic’s Bachelor of Education degree.


The courses were launched on the Internet two weeks ago and are thus immediately available worldwide, although the courses were designed with New Zealand students in mind, according to senior lecturer in Educational New Media, Philip Uys.


The polytechnic’s distributed on-line courses, which is part of the Wellington Polytechnic On-line Campus,  aim to combine the flexibility  of distance learning with the benefits of ‘real-time’ social interaction, although the initial focus is on the asynchronous (‘any time’) mode of learning, says Mr Uys.


Students are currently able to apply for enrolment on-line and then study in the same way as for conventional distance learning, but can contact polytechnic tutors whenever they want using electronic discussion boards, hypermail and email. They are also able to submit and publish their work directly on to the World Wide Web.

On-line communication among students are supported and encouraged through electronic discussing boards and hypermail.


Later this year, the Educational New Media Centre will implement ‘real time’  visual, audio and drawing methods such as video conferencing and shared white boards over the Internet to enable students to exchange information and receive instant feedback in ‘real time’. 

Learning on-line means students can enrol for courses at any time throughout the year and complete the courses according to their schedules instead of being restricted to a specific time schedule on campus.


The two current courses being offered are Curriculum Design and Development and Introduction to Educational Research. On-line short courses on nursing, statistics, virtual teams and Web delivery will also be offered in the next few months. A free Sampler course is also available in the on-line campus.


Wellington Polytechnic’s on-line campus

can be reached from:



For further information please contact:  Philip Uys, senior lecturer Educational New Media, phone 04 801 2794 ext. 8926; fax 04 8012697, email


Appendix 21



TO:                                     HOS’s / HOD’s / All academic staff / Others interested

FROM:                              Philip Uys

                                            Project Manager: HYDI

DATE:                               30 April 1997




We would like to invite you to join in the exciting venture of delivering courses via the World Wide Web to an international audience, by proposing a short course in your academic area which you believe will:

Ö     have a wide international audience and success (this will hopefully enable us to offer it at a modest fee)

Ö     be a short course not more than the equivalent of  4 or 5 credits (40 - 50 total learning hours).


We will provide the following support:

·       two opportunities to attend an information session for interested staff in 5E17 on Monday, 5 May or Wednesday, 7 May at 12 noon

·       educational and technical information on how to design a course like this

·       conversion of  the content, photographs and graphics into Web documents

·       linking the course to the Wellington Polytechnic On-line Campus

·       assistance in marketing the course on-line.


What we would require from the content provider is

·       the content in electronic form (word-processed)

·       teaching / learning structure that will provide navigational ideas

·       assessment strategy

·       editing and testing the course

·       a commitment to keep to an agreed schedule of development.


The first step is to attend one of the information sessions in 5E17 on Monday, 5 May or Wednesday, 7 May at 12 noon (if you can) or to contact us for a form which will assist you in preparing your proposal.


Proposals will be prioritised, and we hope that development of the first short course will start early June.  All proposals will not necessarily be accepted for development. (Follow up discussions might be needed to determine the order in which on-line courses will be developed).


Courses that might be successful in this regard include

·       on-going professional development courses eg "New techniques in ..."

·       seminar type courses

·       a shortened version of some current part-time programmes or introductory courses.


Feel free to request more information from Alison Viskovic or myself.


Looking forward to your participation

Philip Uys

Appendix 22




August 1997




                                                Page Nos.


1          Terms of reference                                                                                                        2

2          The Three Year Plan                                                                                                     2

3          The Annual Capital and Operating Budget with notes                                         2


Part One :  The Three Year Plan

1             Executive Summary                                                                                                      3

2             Vision                                                                                                                           4

3             Goals                                                                                                                           4

4             Critical success factors                                                                                      5

5             Overviews                                                                                                                    6

6             SWOT Analysis                                                                                                           7

7             Strategies and actions 1997/1998/1999                                                                        9

8             Marketing and Promotion                                                                                             11

9             Staff                                                                                                                             11

10         Resources required                                                                                                       11

11         Revenue                                                                                                                       11

12         Glossary                                                                                                                       12


Part Two : Capital And Annual Operating Budget With Notes                                           13





1          Terms Of Reference


Compiled by Philip Uys, Senior Lecturer and Project Director : Educational New Media.


This document refers to the HYDI Educational New Media Centre which has a mission of spearheading and coordinating the use of new media in education at Wellington Polytechnic from an integrated management, educational and technical perspective to enable technology-based educational improvement and innovation for open and flexible learning.


It started in September 1995 as the “HYDI research project” and has been establishing itself as a growing research centre in the area of educational new media.



2          The Three Year Plan


This is a strategic overview of the functions of the HYDI Educational New Media Centre.


As it is looking into the future and involves concepts, it will be narrative in form and general in description.



3          The Annual Capital And Operating Budget With Notes                


This section deals with the 1998 budget.





1          Executive Summary and Mission    


The HYDI project is establishing itself as a growing research centre in the area of educational new media and became the HYDI Educational New Media Centre in 1997. Its main area of research and development currently is in on-line education for both distance and on-campus delivery.


On-line delivery, whether more targeted to distance (extra-mural) or on-campus delivery, is not seen as an end in itself, but is based on sound educational and business principles to enhance learning and increase student numbers. The term that we use to describe this kind of learning and teaching is: “distributed on-line education”.


It is envisaged that on-campus delivery will increasingly make use of hypermedia and Web technologies on an intranet(s).


Five main responsibilities have been emerging and will be more formally established over the next three years to fulfil the mission of this centre.


They are:

·      research

Ţ  formal ie leading to formal qualifications, publications and presenting papers

Ţ  informal ie generic as well as specific scanning of the applicable environments 

·      education and training

Ţ  the project director will do formal teaching on the B.Ed. and M.Ed

Ţ   staff development in the form of seminars and workshops

·      consulting

Ţ  internally assisting academic staff 

Ţ  external ie as an entrepreneurial activity to non-competitors

·      development

Ţ       various projects: main focus for the next three years will be on developing distributed on-line courses

Ţ       internal: support the development of  distributed on-line courses for both distance and on-campus education

Ţ       external: assist non-competitors with distributed on-line education as an entrepreneurial activity  

·      promotion and liaison

Ţ       internally: promote the appropriate use of educational new media

Ţ       externally: promote the activities of the centre to generate external consulting, research and development projects as well as establishing external links.


These responsibilities in the next three years will progress from

¨    less formal to more formal structures

¨    experimentation to  more structured research

¨    small scale development of distributed on-line courses to large scale development

¨    ad-hoc staff involvement to full-time involvement

¨    research funding only  to research funding and own income generating through consulting and research projects, central funding for both staff development as well as for assisting academic staff to increase student EFTS by developing distributed on-line education courses.


2          Vision


The HYDI Educational new Media Centre is to spearhead and coordinate the use of new media in education at Wellington Polytechnic from an integrated management, educational and technical perspective to enable technology-based educational improvement and innovation for open and flexible learning.


A key focus is on combining hypermedia on the World Wide Web and on intranets as a learning and teaching medium with current educational strategies, to provide quality education to on-campus, other New Zealand and overseas students in an open and flexible manner. This teaching and learning approach is called “distributed on-line education”. The aim is to offer both formal qualifications and shorter courses for certain niche markets in this mode.


In conjunction with traditional delivery strategies, the centre aims to use the Internet and intranet(s) to facilitate the development and deployment of courses and services of Wellington Polytechnic to students

¨    at their choice of place

¨    at times of their choosing

¨    at their own pace

¨    in a variety of ways.


Distributed on-line education can take on a variety of forms but often includes:

¨    hypermedia presentations on the Web or intranet

¨    asynchronous and synchronous on-line communications through technologies like electronic mail, message boards, on-line real time meetings

¨    visits by lecturers to major centres/pockets of on-line students or bringing students on-campus for periods  to conduct:

                   -           student group work

                   -           present key lectures and

                   -           address learning problems.


¨    The centre is also responsible for developing a conceptual framework for distributed on-line education and to ensure a smooth implementation of it.



6          Goals


6.1       To grow research, education and training, consulting, development, promotion and liaison in the area of educational new media.


6.2       To build a reputation for

                                  technical innovation

                                  quality of products 

                                  client focussed services

                      in a global education market.


6.3       To investigate and propose strategies for internal and external clients covering a range of areas including: 

¨    development of distributed on-line courses

¨    graphic design for on-line delivery

¨    video and voice applications for the Web

¨    internal promotion

¨    appropriate development methodologies

¨    appropriate software and hardware for both the institute and students

¨    on-line instructional design

¨    roles and responsibilities of the on-line educator

¨    student support systems eg library services, socialisation opportunities, on-line communication

¨    effective administration procedures

¨    training of on-line educators

¨    effective marketing of on-line courses

¨    security and access

¨    intellectual property right and copyright issues.


6.4       To research, develop and facilitate on-line (ie via the Internet and Intranet) hypermedia programmes for distance and on-campus education at the Wellington Polytechnic, with an aim to increase

¨    educational opportunities

¨    profit

¨    quality of learning

¨    student numbers and

¨    staff productivity.



7          Critical success factors


7.1       Senior management support


7.2       Central research funding as a strategic investment to establish the use of educational new media at Wellington Polytechnic.


7.4       Continued national and international research and development in this rapidly expanding educational area.


7.3       Effective national and international marketing of the services of the centre.


7.4       Expanding links with local and international experts and bodies in the area of educational new media.


7.5       Strategic alliances with approved educational institutions within New Zealand and Australia who are working in this field to enhance the development of on-line courses.


7.6       Controlling physical and educational access to on-line educational materials.


7.7       Bridging the gap of ESL and EFL to penetrate the Asian and other similar markets.


7.8       Finding effective niche markets. 


7.9       Obtaining appropriate resources (people, finances, procedures).


7.10     Thorough planning and management of the centre.



3          Overviews


3.1       1995/1996


The hypermedia project started on 8 September 1995 when a project proposal presented by the current project director was accepted by the Principal at that time, Mr Bob Bubendorfer.


The first pilot project to develop the Wellington Polytechnic Homepage was successfully implemented on the Internet on 4 December 1995 with a project team of interested individuals from various schools and departments.


We defined the roles within the project and compiled the core project team:

·      sponsor : supports the progress of the project (Bob Bubendorfer)

·      operational adviser : advises on resource ISP Rep.ers and controls the development budget (HYDI Ops Adviser)  

·      external contacts adviser : advises on external relations and implications (HYDI Ext Adviser)

·      academic adviser : advises on all academic ISP Rep.ers (Vice-President)

·      project director : directs the project (Philip Uys)

·      content director : organises and ensures the quality of the content

(EDD : Nick Zepke and Alison Viskovic)   

(Homepage : …. - academic content)

·      creative director / graphic designer : responsible for all visual aspects including the production of graphical elements (……… and ………)

·      computer specialist : advises on and supports all relevant software, hardware and networks (……….. in 1995; ………… in 1996)

·      educational director : ensures sound educational processes (Alison Viskovic).


We formulated a project management philosophy based on effectiveness and goal achievement.


We initiated contact with visionaries, developers and educationalists in hypermedia both in New Zealand and internationally via electronic mail and the following conferences: “World Conference on Educational Hypermedia and Telecommunications" in Boston, USA (June 1996), a conference in Brisbane, Australia on "On-line Commerce" (October 1995) and the "Australian National Telecentres Conference" in Bunbury, Western Australia (October 1995). 


We obtained most of the short and medium term equipment required for the project.


We created the Wellington Polytechnic On-line Campus accessible from:


The first on-line course was developed as a sampler titled: “Teaching Techniques for Adult Learning”.


At the start of 1996, the project director’s duties regarding teaching as a senior lecturer in the Computer Studies Department was reduced to 70% to allow 30% time towards HYDI.

3.2       1997


At the start of 1997, the HYDI project was established as a centre within the Educational Development Department. At the start of 1997, the project director’s duties regarding teaching as a senior lecturer in the Computer Studies Department was further reduced to 50% to allow 50% time towards HYDI. At the same time the project director changed departments: from Computer Studies to Educational Development.


The first two commercial on-line courses for student enrolment were launched on the Web on 18 August 1997.  These two courses, “Curriculum Design and Development” and “Introduction to Educational Research”, are part of the B.Ed and are initially targeted for enrolment by New Zealand students. The course convenors are Alison Viskovic and Nick Zepke of the Educational Development Department.


Academic staff worked with the HYDI Educational New Media Centre to create a highly interactive and visual learning experience.  Message boards, hypermail, on-line publishing facilities, e-mail, and a constructivist learning approach are key aspects of these hypermedia courses which are all part of the Wellington Polytechnic On-line Campus.


The project director presented two international papers at the  “18th World ICDE (International Council for Distance Education) Conference" in Pennsylvania, USA (June 1997) titled "Supporting Cyber Students Over The Web: The On-line Campus of Wellington Polytechnic"  and "Managing a Hypermedia Courseware Development Project: Dynamics and Conclusions". He was also a member of two panels that dealt with : “An Infrastructure to Support the Use of Education Technology for

Sustainable Development” and “Moving Course materials from Paper-Base To Screen-Base”.   


In July 1997 the Web administrator in MIS took over the Wellington Polytechnic homepage maintenance.



4          SWOT Analysis


4.1.      Strengths


·      The principal was the sponsor when the centre was a project in 1995 and 1996

·      In 1997 the Vice-President,…………, publicly stated that the work of the centre has become a strategic direction for Wellington Polytechnic

·      At the start of 1997, the HYDI project was established as a centre within the Educational Development Department which provided more permanence for the centre and also highlighted its strong educational base and focus

·      Since the beginning of 1997, the project director’s duties regarding teaching as a senior lecturer in the Computer Studies Department was reduced to 50% to allow 50% time towards HYDI

·      Since the start of 1997, the centre operates an own budget which is centrally funded

·      People involved are internally motivated, committed and hardworking

·      The centre demonstrated an ability to be both innovative and pragmatic by successfully delivering on its vision and goals

·      Suitable equipment for all basic requirements has been obtained.


4.2.      Weaknesses


·      The Internet and related technologies are developing at an exponential rate

·      A research centre is new to Wellington Polytechnic (in fact to most Polytechnics in New Zealand and abroad) and fits more easily into a university environment

·      The financial resources limit the research outcomes severely, especially in not being able to employ a computer technician for a substantial number of hours per week

·      Most people involved in the centre has other stronger commitments in their working day

·      The operational processes within this centre is often different than the processes within vertical departments and schools due to its nature as a growing research centre and entrepreneurial focus

·      Marketing and promotion of the services of the centre is not adequate

·      Students desiring to do on-line courses might not have adequate computing facilities



4.3.      Opportunities


·      A research centre of Wellington Polytechnic will enhance its academic status and assist it in its move towards university status

·      On-line education is a new and fast developing field

·      The Internet is a very prominent national and international development  

·      A large number of tertiary institutes in New Zealand and internationally is embarking on on-line education and require assistance and advice

·      Most academic staff at Wellington Polytechnic will require training in this area in the next three years 

·      Most people in full-time jobs find on-line learning more attractive than attending evening classes

·      In a large number of countries -  especially developing countries in Asia, Africa and South America - there is a tremendous need to obtain quality education where they live.  



4.4.      Threats


·      A large number of educational institutes in New Zealand and internationally are entering the field of distributed on-line education

·      A larger proportion of income needs to be generated externally

·      The centre needs to be more widely accepted in the organisational structure of the Polytechnic

·      Information Technology can become out-dated and redundant very quickly.


8          Strategies and actions 1997/1998/1999


Rest of 1997


1.    The first on-line short course, “Virtual Teams: Meeting On-line” is to be launched in November 1997 for national and international delivery. The course convenor is David Pauleen of the Department of Communications.


2.    The first teaching and learning resource of the On-line Campus is to be launched in November 1997 and comprises a comprehensive set of evaluated and categorised links to statistical organisations, resources and statisticians across the world. The compiler of this resource is Misha Lovrich of the Computer Studies Department  


3.    The project director will highlight some of the key trends and developments in Cyberspace education (distributed on-line education) in a paper at the "Virtual Technologies in Tertiary Education: A Vision for New Zealand?" conference to be held 11-12 October, 1997. 



1998 and 1999


1.             The project director has accepted an invitation to contribute a chapter for a book on "The Electronic University" with researchers from the University College of London, to be published in August 1998 by Springer-Verlag.


2.             The project director will deliver a paper in Tours, France in April 1998 at the "Towards the Global University: Strategies for the Third Millennuim" conference titled: “New  Educational Technology And The Global Village: Key Management Issues In Higher Education“.


3.             The project director has accepted an invitation by the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK to hold a seminar regarding the work of the centre in April 1998.


4.             The project director has also been invited to hold a seminar on the work of the centre at the Open University of the UK (en route to the conference in France).


5.             Grow external consulting, research and development projects in 1998 and extend in 1999. The project director has been invited by the Technikon Pretoria in South Africa to lead a project in 1998 to establish on-line education in  the institute. 


6.             Broaden the interest base in on-line education at Wellington Polytechnic by establishing a "Forum for Distributed On-line Education" as a sub-committee of CTAG


7.             Document guidelines for the on-line course development process in 1998


8.             Investigate and experiment with real-time communication facilities over the Net including voice, video, Relay Chat, shared white boards in 1998


9.             Design and implement database support for on-line course generation in 1998.


10.         Establish a marketing strategy in 1998 to include:

- key target markets

- key target market needs

- strategies to achieve it


11.         Establish effective administrative services in 1998 for:

- registration

- international fees

- payment of fees

- assessment procedures

- security and access to courseware

- logistics of visits to centra

- logistics of visits to Wellington Polytechnic


12.         Create on-line communication facilities for all the M.Ed courses in 1998.


13.         More BEd degree courses on-line in both 1998 and 1999


14.         More short niche market courses.  Short courses in Nursing, Virtual teams, Web delivery and Business Writing are in the pipe line for release in 1998


15.         Other degree courses and parts of programmes. A course in Statistics is planned for 1998


16.         The project director will teach formal courses on distributed on-line education as part of the BEd in 1998


17.         Having a range of seminars and workshops on distributed on-line education. For 1998 the following workshops are being planned: “How to use the Intranet for teaching”, “Finding Things on the Web Fast”, “Developing courses for on-line delivery”.


18.         Ensure continual quality assurance and effective management of new media developments and products


19.         Extend educational contacts in international markets to provide local support for students (wherever required).


20.         Forge closer links with institutes, organisations and individuals conducting research and development in this area


21.         Conduct our own continual research into this area via the above contacts, the limited number of publications in this area, conferences, experimentation


22.         Document course and technical design principles ie how our on-line courses are being designed from a educational and technical perspective (1999)


23.         Document HTML programming standards (1999)


24.         Extend and implement appropriate organisational structures, physical structures and facilities to support this centre


25.         Establish effective educational support services for students through negotiations with the applicable managers, specifically library facilities and Learning Support

26.         Create internal and external awareness of the services of the centre


27.         Further research and publications. Nick Zepke has published in the area of on-line instructional design, Alison Viskovic in teaching and learning in general, and Philip Uys in the development  of on-line courses and management of such developments. 


9          Marketing and Promotion


8.1       On the Internet : extend the HYDI Website, promote on search engines, guides, newsgroups and related sites

8.2       Develop a brochure for external promotion

8.3       Inform other educational institutes of our services

8.4       Target specific markets - including tertiary institutes in New Zealand and in developing countries

8.5       Advertise in educational publications like the Educational Gazette

8.6       Internal marketing within the Polytechnic.


10        Staff

The HYDI team for 1997 and 1998:


Philip Uys : Project Director

Alison Viskovic : Educational Director

….. : Computer Specialist

….. : Creative Director / Graphic Designer

….. :On-line media developer

…..: On-line media developer

In 1998, ……, will join the HYDI team as a consultant in the area of virtual teams.

Content Director: the course convenor of an on-line course

(The Web administrator in MIS took over the Wellington Polytechnic homepage maintenance in July 1997)


11        Revenue

11.1     Central research funding to grow the research centre as a strategic Wellington Polytechnic direction.


11.2     Central funding for staff development.


11.3     Own income generated through external consulting and research projects.


11.4     Central funding for assisting academic staff to increase student EFTS by developing distributed on-line education courses. (If central funding is not possible, it is envisaged that a costing system will be put in place to generate income for the HYDI Educational New Media Centre from the content provider’s department paying  for the development of on-line courses.)


11.5     Create high on-line readership (“traffic”) areas within the on-line campus to generate income through external banner advertising.

Appendix 23




TO:                          Philip Uys

FROM:                    Nick Zepke

DATE:                     December 1996

TOPIC:                    Your ‘Home’ for 1997 and Beyond



Bob, the Vice-President, the Head of the School for Business and Information Systems, Head of the Computer studies Department and I met on 4 December to discuss where you might be most effectively placed in 1997 and beyond.  The following summarises the discussion.


1.    It was agreed that HYDI and the development of ‘new media’ involving computer mediated learning is very important for the polytechnic.  Such development work needs both a ‘home’ and the facility to train other staff as polytechnic-wide initiatives are envisaged.

2.    It was decided that the Educational Development Department (EDD) was a suitable ‘home’ for a ‘new media’ initiative.

                            It was agreed that the work of coordinating ‘new media’ developments would grow to a full-time load from 1998 and that the polytechnic would commit itself to funding such a full-time position from 1998.  (The polytechnic will review the programme from time to time as it does with all its programmes.)

3.    It was agreed to ask you to join EDD as HYDI leader and to spearhead the further development of computer mediated learning across the polytechnic. For 1997 it is envisaged that you work 0.5 FTE on HYDI or its successor and 0.5 FTE for the School of Business and information Systems, as agreed with your Academic group leader, for an average of nine hours teaching per week.  There was discussion that for some of your BIS work you might consider developing trial computer mediated packages.

From 1998 it is envisaged that you will work full-time on the ‘new media’ development programme.  In addition to programme leadership you would teach staff to become self-sufficient developers as well as teach courses (probably within the BBusInf) about computer mediated learning.

4.    Accommodation was discussed.  It was agreed that for 1997 the present accommodation provisions would most likely prevail.  From 1998, however, EDD will be responsible for housing the new media work.

5.    It was agreed that from 1997 performance ISP Rep.ers will be administered by EDD with input from BIS.

6.    It was agreed that going to international conferences was important for a ‘new media’ leader and that the arrangement with your Academic group leader to release you in early June to give papers in the United States should stand.


If there is anything that is not clear, you know how to find me.  We don’t expect an immediate response.  However, this proposal shapes up similarly to the way new media is developed overseas and is in line with some of our previous discussions.




Appendix 24

Cycle 4: A Selection of E-Mail Messages


In most cases pseudonyms or position titles replaced personal names to ensure anonymity.


1.         Subject: Re: Meeting with Vice-President

From:               Self <DIRECTORATE/PHILIP>

To:                   nick

Subject:            Re: Meeting with Vice-President

Date sent:         Wed, 21 Jan 1998 15:02:30


Hi Nick

I received an e-mail from Pretoria Technikon on Friday that

   1. they have meeting this Friday, 23 Jan where they will make a final

   decision on their inivitation to me to lead an Internet teaching

   project for them (duration etc.) 2. the possible start date that they

   wanted to know if it will be ok for me - I indicated positively - is

   end of Feb (which will effectively be mid- Feb so that I can set things

   up before the project starts)



2.         Subject: Connecting


From:               …….

Organization:   University of Botswana


Date sent:         Sat, 18 Apr 1998 15:03:14 GMT+2

Subject:            Connecting


Hi Philip.  How very nice to meet you in Tours.  …..


I am interested in knowing when you will be coming to South Africa to do

some work and what time frame you might have to stop by Botswana. 

If we can afford you, then we can chat about what is the most

important for us...we have a need to have some expertise to help with

technology planning, to help design training programs for staff, to

perhaps do a workshop or two for academic staff on what this new technology

is all about as it impacts a new approach to teaching.


Look forward to hearing from you.


3.         Subject: Web course graphics

From:               …..

Organization:   ……. Polytechnic


Date sent:         Thu, 28 May 1998 15:30:54 GMT+12

Subject:            Web course graphics


Kia ora Philip

Ive just been given the graphic designer’s name by Alison Viskovic - when I

was talking with her this morning about …… first online



I would like to make contact with him as soon as possible - would you

please tell me how I can? I'd also like to have a chat with you sometime

about your HYDI project.
