| ResumeDr Philip Uys, PhD |
January 2021 -
Adjunct Associate Professor Education, University of Adelaide, Australia
March 2021 - December 2021
Lead Digital Innovation, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
December 2021 - September 2022
Higher Education Digital Innovation Specialist, Linius Technologies Ltd, headquartered in Australia (part-time)
December 2019 - December 2020
Adjunct Associate Professor Education Systems, Charles Sturt University, Australia
February 2005 - December 2019
Associate Professor (since September 2011) and Director, Learning Technologies, Division of Learning and Teaching (DLT) at Charles Sturt University (CSU), Australia since January 2009; concurrently acting Director, Learning Resources since March 2019; Director, Strategic Learning and Teaching innovation; Manager, Systems Development, DLT at CSU, Australia since January 2009; Manager, Education Design & Educational Technology at CSU, Australia from February 2005 to December 2008.
Provided expert advice as consultant in June 2012 to Fuji Xerox to reimagine their services in increasingly mobile, digital and paperless learning and teaching environments.
September - November 2024
Senior education expert and Trainer for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) to design, develop and deliver online a workshop entitled "Facilitating an online Moodle course" for the Empowering Women and Girls Project partners and teachers from schools aligned to the project in Malawi, Mozambique, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
July - November 2023
Senior education expert and Project Coordinator for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) for the creation of six ODL modules for the international "Strengthening Communities to Attain Resiliency and Food Security course".
August - September 2022
Moderate virtual study tours about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the Commission for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (CTVET), Ghana in Australia, Mauritius and Scotland.
Saudi Arabia
August - September 2022
Assist with overall benchmarking activities and engage in benchmarking of TVET systems and practices in five countries.
May - July 2022
Develop pedagogical and training skills, quality assurance and validation of eContent, knowledge of eLearning and blended training system evolution and future scenarios for TVSDC management, TADREEBAK Team and TVET stakeholders in the project in Jordan to "Support to the Implementation of the TVSDC Action Plan with Focus on Blended Learning and eLearning and Teaching Service".
April 2022 - August 2022
At Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST), Bangladesh
1. Online/remote facilitation of digital learning benchmarking against international standards including a self-review, validation, and development of a three-year action plan.
2. Facilitate a three-week online course on Facilitating online and blended courses .
3. Facilitate a five-week online course on Design, Develop and Deliver blended courses in Moodle
November 2015 March 2016
Consultancy at a university in Bangladesh in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), using an approach adopted by COL to improve quality assurance systems in Higher Education and post-secondary institutions. The consultancy includes conducting an online survey and analysing the results; on-site training of the university's team on the quality assurance methodology that includes a self-review exercise and internal verification; on-site external verification of the QA process; as well as the development of a QA Policy for the University. Following the above, developed a fully online course (in Moodle) for the Commonwealth of Learning on their QA model for tertiary education called Commonwealth of Learning Review and Implementation (COL RIM).
August - November 2024
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): Online/remote facilitation of digital learning benchmarking against international standards at Alupe University and University of Kabianga including a self-review, validation, and development of a three-year action plan.
March - April 2023
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): Online/remote facilitation of digital learning benchmarking against international standards at Kibabii University (KIBU), Kenya including a self-review, validation, and development of a three-year action plan.
April - May 2021
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): Online/remote facilitation of five-week course on developing blended learning in Moodle at Kibabii University (KIBU).
February - March 2021
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): Online/remote facilitation of five-week course on developing blended learning in Moodle at Kaimosi Friends University College (Kafuco).
October 2021 - March 2022
Online/remote facilitation of digital learning benchmarking against international standards of six Malaysian universities through the Ministry of Education including a self-review, validation, and development of a three-year action plan.
September to November 2020
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): online/virtual facilitation of benchmarking of Technology-Enabled Learning at Universiti Malaysia Sabah including a self-review, validation and development of a three-year action plan.
Papua New Guinea
Dec 2022 - Jan 2023
Senior expert - conducted the pedagogical review of 31 blended learning units/modules of Western Pacific University, Papua New Guinea. Also remotely conducted a "Blended Learning Workshop - Pedagogical Design Principles and Strategies" for teaching staff of this University - DFAT funded.
Jun 2019; November 2019; March 2020
Senior expert for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL): assisted the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG) through workshops and after working with staff on their blueprints/learning designs, to design, develop and deliver online and open education courses in Moodle.
November/December 2019
Established online learning at the University of Liberia through the University of Liberia Online Learning Program (ULOLP) by setting up the governance (developed the draft ULOLP Strategy, and a draft ULOLP Implementation Plan that includes policies, operations and committees), staffing capability and technical infrastructure. Ran a workshop on Moodle Systems Administration and a 3-day workshop on Design and Develop a Blended Course in Moodle . Engaged by Chemonics International for USAID.
South Africa
October - November 2020
Contextualised and translated (into Afrikaans) the course Design, Develop and Deliver blended courses in Moodle for training teaching staff at Akademia (a private higher education institution).
February 2018 to July 2019
Senior expert for the EU: Technical assistance to capacitate Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) staff, Pretoria in Open Learning for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and Community Education and Training (CET), including to build the knowledge and understanding of Department staff in the extent and range of Open Learning approaches, Open Educational Resources, and the use of multi-media and materials development processes (Electronic, Online, Open Learning). Ten visits to South Africa in 2018/2019.
October - November 2016; June - December 2000; January 1978 - April 1994
Technical assistance to consolidate the scope for the National School of Government (NSG) Enterprise Architecture. Perform organisational development and business process design and development to further develop the ICT capability of the NSG in delivering training and development programmes efficiently and effectively
Project Manager: Open & Flexible Learning at the Cape Technikon, Cape Town, South Africa (June - December 2000)
Manager Management Information Department of Port Elizabeth Technikon (1993 - March 1994)
Systems Development Manager in the Computer Services Department of Port Elizabeth Technikon (1990 - 1993) and before that analyst programmer and senior programmer at the Technikon (June 1985 - 1990).
Senior programmer, programmer, assitant programmer with SANLAM (one of the big life insurance companies in South Africa) (1978 - May 1985).
July 2018
Assist the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) to review and re-design a national policy and a strategy for the TVET sector in Nigeria on Open, Distance, Flexible and eLearning (ODL); a national Procedures ODL Manual for the TVET polytechnics; and a new generic Institutional TVET Policy template for ODL; and to facilitate a stakeholders meeting in Kaduna, Nigeria to obtain feedback on the above, and to finalise the next drafts.
November 2017; June 2018
Contracted by the Commonwealth of Learning to assist the Tonga Institute of Higher Education and the Tonga Institute of Education to design and develop blended, online TVET courses using Moodle. Strategic OER Implementation Project in Tonga: Phase 3 professional development in Outcome-based Evaluation and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) principles and strategies through pre-workshop, a five-day workshop, and post-workshop activities for staff of the Tonga Institute of Higher Education and the Tonga Institute of Education.
10 - 12 August 2017; March - July 2018
Facilitated a three day Workshop on Developing Blended Courses using Moodle at the National University of Samoa (NUS), Apia, Samoa, through the Commonwealth of Learning (COL). Facilitated a four day Workshop on Developing Blended Courses using Moodle at the National University of Samoa, Apia, Samoa, after working with staff on their blueprints for the courses, followed by assisting staff to complete their courses.
Southeast Asia: Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia
August 2021 - current (two year project)
International Education Specialist in the project TA-6671 REG: Technology-Enabled Innovation in Education in Southeast Asia - EdTech diagnostics and interventions support n 167252-S53987 that included presenting at workshops on Artificial intelligence (AI).
January - June 2019
Investigated "What works to improve learning outcomes in primary education in East-Asia" for the East Asia and Pacific Regional Office of UNICEF in the areas "Learner and teacher focused ICT education platforms", Inclusive education for children with disabilities , "21st century skills in the primary school years", Teacher training/development (pre-service and in-service) , Teacher management systems and High quality teaching and learning materials , by conducting a meta-analysis of research on these intervention areas in order to establish an evidence base for UNICEF, partner and government programmes in the region (of 25 countries) and to inform future plans, programmes and policies.
April 2019
Technical assistance to the Botswana Open University to review and revise the Online Learning, Assessment and Student Support Strategy and develop an Implementation Plan.
May - June 2018
Contracted by the Botswana Open University to assist them to develop a Learning Analytics Policy, as well as developing a number of online courses based on open learning principles.
February 2001 - January 2005
Team leader for the British Council in doing a 5 month, European Union funded, feasibility study as a first step towards creating a national strategy and structure for eLearning in Botswana during National Development Plan 9, which is 2003 to 2008 (July 2003 to February 2004);
Deputy Director, Centre for Academic Development (Educational Technology) at the University of Botswana (February 2001 – January 2005)
Asia-Caribbean-Pacific (ACP) general
August 2016 - March 2017
As team Leader, financed by the EU, led the study on Intra-ACP programming for research and innovation. The global purpose of this study was to explore options for a new EU-ACP Research and Innovation programme that will both meet the needs and demands of ACP countries in the context Agenda 2030, particularly SDG 9 and its targets, and bring an added value at collective intra-ACP level. We provided the European Commission and the ACP Secretariat with recommendations on possible options for interlinked and complementary actions for the contribution to the improvement of ACP countries' development policies, research and innovation and TVET capacities under the 11th EDF Intra-ACP programme.
August 2021
Consultancy at MIER College of Education, Autonomous, India in collaboration with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), online/remote facilitation of three-week course introducing blended learning and Moodle (56 participants)
New Zealand
October 2019
The international member of the Review Team of distance education at Otago University, New Zealand
May 1994 - January 2001
Senior Lecturer: Educational New Media and Adult Education, Massey University at Wellington (formerly Wellington Polytechnic); Senior Lecturer: Computer Studies, Massey University, New Zealand; Director of an organisational and educational change management, elearning consulting and website development company Globe-Online operating in New Zealand as Globe New Zealand; Project Manager for the Massey University at Wellington, New Zealand Hypermedia project (which in January 1997 became the hydi Educational New Media Centre);Senior lecturer in Educational New Media
2001, 12 16 November. Invited presentation.The Use of ICT in the Teaching-Learning Process: Staff Development for Online Teachers. International Conference on Staff Development in Higher Education, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), Maputo, Mozambique.
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